If Donghyun is insinuating what I think he is...
...then he has no right to be talking about having feelings for Seheon. I need to wait for a little more explaination to be certain, but according to what I read on Lezhin, he reported Taejun and Seheon's father's relationship to the college they were all a part of. Either that, or he sent an ananonymous photo and letter staying that he saw them and would report if the father didn't break it off, and we all know that he did...as well as what it lead to. Dude...you instigated something that was not your situation to feal with. I understan that they were friends and he didn't like seeing whay Taejun was going through, but you cannot force people to change. Attempting it never usually ends well. That was between Seheon, his mother, father, and Taejun. He overstepped his bounds, and it lead to his friend's suicide and a lifetime of hurt for three other people. So glasses dude, if you did what I think you've done, please kindly stay in your own lane and keep that ass out of Seheon's face.

I mean yeah I get it, but suicide is always preluded by mental illness. Outside of cultural punishment or ritualistic practices, there isn't a single case of suicide by a healthy person. There are plenty of people who experience the same struggles but DONT kill themselves. As a psychologist, I don't like blaming a single person for someone else's suicide because it trivializes the victims suffering. Yes, Donghyun fucked up. But blaming him takes the focus away from Taejun. When we say that most victims of suicide show no outward symptoms of depression, we're just protecting the people who never noticed from blaming themselves. It's very likely Taejun always was suffering some way. Some of the most creative people are. We take the beauty of their existence to mean their life itself is beautiful. And for the sake of not disappointing those people who believe the best in us, we suffer in silence and with a smile on our face.
I'm not saying this to absolve Donghyun. Maybe it's possible Taejun would be alive without his interference. Maybe Taejun would have killed himself anyway when Seheons father took too long to leave his wife. But issues like these really get to me because I feel like a lot of people are so focused on finding something to blame that they forget to find a way to prevent tragedy from happening again.

I understand thay, I do, but that does not change the fact that he completely overstepped his boundsa potentially bad situation worse. I never blamed him for the death entirely, but his actions were not coming from a helpful place, it was jealousy. His actions were uncalled for and selfish, and he did it knowing that he was hurting this person for his own selfish gains. There may be more to the story, than that, and my opinion might change when and if we learn more, which is what the 'if' was for in my first statement. But as it stands, I think what he did sucked.

I think Ken is just an awkward teenager; he's only 15 or 16 and is honestly behaving as such, so I think it's funny. And he's not doing anything with malice, so... Also, I don't think the author means for us to see Ken as uncaring or forceful (in the context of a sexual offender), but rather see the two as two awkward teens having awkward sexual encounters, while awkwardly stumbling through their feelings. That's all.

Uh, bruh, no, Ken's being a massive douche. I'm just gonna put what Blueninja89 said, cuz they sum this whole thing up perfectly:
"Honestly Ken is such a fucking douche i'm getting sick of it.His need to constantly take out his frustrations out on Kirara is getting ridiculous when all of the miscommunication is a direct result of him having a reputation of sleeping around and then feminizing Kirara when it's convenient for him. He never acknowledges anything, but the physical intimacy that he routinely forces onto Kirara. Of course Kirara thinks Ken doesn't know Ken likes him, Ken has done nothing to disprove that and his track record shows he'lll go for anyone who at least shows interest in him without complaint. Even with his internalized homophobia I'm continuously losing sympathy for Ken's melodrama because you don't start a physical relationship with someone and then fault them when they don't readily guess your intentions and feelings given how he's rudely treated them for a considerable amount of time. Kirara truthfully deserves better, but given the plot is the childhood friends trope they have to end up together when in reality Ken really needs way more time to grow up and Kirara needs to find a love interest who while battling his insecurities doesn't treat him like crap every other five minutes and makes him their emotional punching bag. God what's worse is in this chapter Ken all but raped Kirara but of course yet again Ken's "confusion" gives him a pass for being the worst."
THAT'S what's actually going on here. Like, this is more than a bit much for "teenage awkwardness" ┗( T﹏T )┛

Sorry fam, but I can't get with y'all on that. Everbody is entitled to an opinion, and that's fine, but I really don't think it's that deep at all. The mangaka is honestly just using a popular tsundere trope that is a known success with Japanese BL fans--who she is catering to because they are her target audience. When Ken starts acting like Feiling or Asami from Viewfinder who both literally both treat Aki like a blowup doll and never think about his feelings, then I'll concede. But I stand by the fact that Ken is an awkward kid with daddy issues who will learn as he grows. He acts immature because he is immature. No shade, but it's just not that deep to me.

I agree what Ken did was wrong. But I also understand that he is a teenager still discovering his sexuality and is having a
deep internal struggle coming to terms that he has feelings for Kirara and the fact that he might be gay. Which to many is not see as a good thing.Ken already has this nagitive views of gays because he saw his dad with this man and blamed him for maybe taking his mom’s place. It’s like the whole evil step mom type of thing, not that the dad’s lover is evil in anyway it’s just in Ken’s view because that’s not his mom and probably has this nagative association with him and gays. Yes, Ken is being jerk and he should have stopped when Kiria told him too. But I don’t think he did it to be mean or anything it was some heat of the moment thing. I hope that he will work it out and try to explain to Kirara what he is feeling. But I honestly think at this point he doesn’t know what he’s feeling.

I also don't think it was done out of the pure intention to hurt Kirara, I just don't think it's appropriate to think that the way he's behaving is funny or just "awkward." Like you said, everyone is entitled to their opinion, and I actually agree with basically everything you said here--unlike the original commenter...just, why? It's not just "awkwardly stumbling through feelings," this behaviour is a definite problem and comes from a hurting place inside him. Like you said, he's confused about his feelings, and due to blaming his dad's partner for taking his mom's place/ruining their relationship, he's angry at gay people and has internalized homophobia because of that, causing him to lash out and behave inconsistently with his relationship with Kirara. I get it. I really do, and it's a fairly realistic approach to his character, which I can appreciate. What I take issue with is when people see this type of thing as harmless, funny, or expected and excusable. Is his behaviour
understandable? Yes. Is it okay? No, and he needs to go through character growth to change this behaviour--because leaving things as they are now is toxic.
Sorry, ranted a bit there. In the end, as you said, everyone is free to have their own opinion, I just find it concerning--in my opinion--that some people like the original commenter think this type of thing is just funny and awkward rather than damaging.

And I'm willing to bet that the author was not going for anything like that, even if that is how Ken comes off to some readers. It's literally just supposed to be a cute, funny romance manga. I can only see all the other stuff as being taken out of context. That's not a jab or a diss, I just understand what the creator was going and it's noting heavy. We'll just have to agree to disagree. Again, no shade. I'm just not sold on this, y'all.

Thanks ( ̄∇ ̄"). I'm glad to hear that you're not excusing his behaviour, and while I certainly wasn't at Ken's level when I was that age (I was a fortunate child ;p), I also can look back and think things like, "Dear GOD, was I really that petty? That immature?" etc. etc. So yes, people can learn from their mistakes, and it can be hard to learn without making mistakes--not everyone does learn, unfortunately, but it's probably safe to assume that the author will have Ken learning from his; at least, it BETTER be safe to assume! I think the main thing I'm worried about is the author sweeping his past behaviour under the rug and not addressing it once their feelings are acknowledged as mutual--like, there better at least be a darn apology!
But I digress ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Thank you for taking my comments with such good grace, I really appreciate it :)

Lol, I also don't think the author was going for anything like that--which is my whole problem ( ̄∇ ̄"). The fact that behaviour like this is meant to be cute and funny--not fully realizing or acknowledging the toxicity of this relationship and of Ken's inner state--is what concerns me. So, in a way, I agree with you! But my problem is that I agree with you? If you get what I mean?

Why are people so pressed? This is just a manga, so... O__o??

I'm not particularly pissed off about this manga but I can tell you why some other fictional works piss me off: it's because the works were done by real people and are going to be read by real people. Basically, what bothers me is that a real living human being came up with that work and thought it was okay.
Honestly, I'm not someone easily offended and I rarely get angry but when I see someone romanticizing abuse and oppression for example, it disturbs me because of 2 reasons:
1- The writer thought abuse was romantic
2- Young impressionable people might read the work and think this shit is okay.
Just to clarify, if the content (abuse/rape...) was presented as a thing to overcome and to teach people that hope exists and you an pull through after tragedies then I'm all for it but spreading a message of abuse and rape = love is not okay

First of all, no shade or anger. I don't want to come off as a confrontational @$$--I promise I'm not. Second, I understand where you are coming from, but just because the artist drew it does not mean they personally find it romantic. And again, I get it, but other than assumptions, it's really not fair to the author for us to assume that when they have not declared or insinuated that. This could have been a recommendation from the editor for all we know. You just never know.
Also, kids being young and impressionable...well, that could come from manga, toxic friendships, bad habits of parents and families, etc...unfortunately, that is just part of living on earth as a human and having exposure to the actions of pther humans. :/ Again, I can't condemn the artist or the manga content for that. If I do that here, then I would have to accept what people say who speak against the genre of BL in general. Because unfortunately they tend to use similar argument: romanticizing 'abnormal' acts and influencing young and impressionable minds. :/
That's just my two cents.

I understand that toxic romantic relationship depiction is just as "bad" as any other negative thing (from toxic friendships to family relationships...) but from what I've seen, romance takes a huge portion of the toxicity.
I might be a bit too judgemental but when you've been on amateur writing apps like wattpad for as long as I have been and when you read countless "romantic" stories written by girls around 10-year-old about girls getting kidnapped and forcibly taken by a guy who loves them...it just tells you something terrible about the kids' twisted vision of romance and how it might affect their real-life experiences.
I don't want to get too deep on a manga website meant for fun and honestly, my argument isn't at all for censoring this type of content, despite the fact that I don't support it. I just wish there was a way to have the "more explicit" side of the internet only exposed to mature people.
...Eunil ain't sh*t. Apparently, his daddy ain't sh*t either. Runs in his family, then.
Mujin, baby, just throw the whole b*tch away and go live your best life in the demon world. Cause, again, your man ain't sh*t.
Right I was kinda hoping for kid to yk to love like a crush so eunil can be jealous and suffer some pain