Citrus want to do ( All 1 )

live in omegaverse universe

Citrus's experience ( All 0 )

Citrus's answer ( All 5 )

about penpals
Hmm I have an idea! Why don't we make a group chat?!   reply
01 04,2018
about penpals
01 04,2018
Line ID:Chiiharuno   reply
01 04,2018
01 04,2018
I'm quite curious but why do you prefer girls? Aren't you looking for buddies, so wouldn't it be nice to look for both genders?   2 reply
01 04,2018
about penpals
Heyyy Chii here. 16 y/o reporting for duty. Well it would be nice to have fujo/fudan friends to associate with *^*. Your group also seems cool!   reply
05 01,2018
about penpals
May I join owo   1 reply
10 12,2017

Citrus's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

want to do my first boyfriend

oop im 20 this year and still nothing i just don't find anyone interesting i don't have a crush

35 minutes
did my first boyfriend

he was the best <3 had to separate because of problems out of our control </3

6 hours
did my first boyfriend

my first boyfriend and I have been together for 4 months now before him I only liked girls and hes a bit feminine which is what attracted me

1 days