I love that panel in Ch. 13 where Eve held Adam's hand. (▰˘◡˘▰)
But I'm really dreading what would happen with this story. It's giving me a bittersweet vibe. I hope this will get a happy ending.. but if not, then I think we'll just have to savor each of Adam and Eve's moments together like it will be their last (which I reeeeaaally hope that's not gonna happen..). They deserve to be happy.

Yeah. I knew he was suspicious right off the bat. Like he was too 'perfect'. (╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸 I never liked the guy.. like nah. Nope.

Right! I'm also wondering if he's one of the Queen's accomplices planted on the Prince's (Leenok) palace.
Well, he's a childhood friend of the Prince and turned out he's ambitious, so.. makes sense. A deadly combination of someone who can really use and betray you.
Things are really gonna get ugly now. But hope Jaeshin and Leenok will be fine. Pleeeaaaseee.

There's definitely a jealousy, since Jaeshin's not aware of his budding feelings for LeeNok at that time. But I think that there's this underlying 'animosity' he felt for the guy. I don't know.. I'm dreading what would happen in the next chapters, but also kinda excited to see Jaeshin going full throttle on the guy just to protect LeeNok.

Oh yeah I want to see it too! I can't wait:3
Jaeshin also needs to redeem himself for the begining... The two swords were good but I don't mind him to suffer for that a little more, esp when Nok didn't bring it out at all (just one time skewering, and it's no like Jaeshin improved that much after it, just with baby steps).

This story made me bawl my eyes out. Specially the last few chapters. Characters were both flawed and broken..and it won't take to be a professional to be able to see that they both need help. Their 'wounds' were so deep.
Still, I'm glad this got a.. not a happy ending yet.. but a hopeful one for sure.
And let's all hope for both of their healing and closure from all those traumas as they trudge their way into fulfilling their happiness- that they truly and deeply deserve.(/TДT)/
The scumbag is really doing his best to become more of the scumbag that he is. Such dedication needs a highfive.. like on his face, with a chair.
(╬ ̄皿 ̄)凸