so his father is like selling his own son to that councilor. he's so greedy, i hope he dies in a shameful way. and can't reincarnate. or he if he reincarnated, then he'd be suited as a rock. but life doesn't stop there, he will suffer for more, wishing everyday that he will die, but he can't because he becomes a rock.

It's short, but it really pierced my heart. My take on this story is that love, grief, and healing are not about holding onto what's lost, but about honoring its memory while allowing life to move forward. While the yearning for a loved one who has passed is natural and powerful, trying to recreate what was can be ultimately destructive. Even if the impossible were to happen, and the past could somehow return, it wouldn't be the same. The manifested version of the loved one, born from longing, was unable to truly reconnect in a healthy way and even caused pain. This highlights the importance of acceptance. Holding onto the past, even with the purest intentions, can prevent both the living and the memory of the deceased from finding peace. True love and remembrance lie not in desperately trying to recapture what's gone, but in cherishing the memories with that person had on our lives and allowing that love to inspire us as we continue our own journey. Letting go isn't forgetting; it's freeing both yourself and the memory of your loved one to exist in a healthier, more sustainable way.

The only dissatisfaction that i have is that it ended. I was reluctant to read this 'cause it got a 100+ chapter and the art style is not really my style. But when I read the comments, they said that it was a good read, and it was worth it. In which it really live on to what they said. When reading, i always said that it really feels like it really happened irl to some high school boys cause of how it was written well. Each character has a chance to gradually develop, in which irl we are also like that. We also have our character development, just like them, not in a fast way, but along the way. That's how we learn how to maneuver life. I didn't regretted reading this for how many hours, it got me 'till 3 in the morning lol. Nevertheless, it really opened my heart to this young and beautiful love. I'm not that old, but i haven't experienced puppy and pure love when i was in high school. So, i was really silently screaming when i was reading some parts that have moved my heart. I'll treasure this forever.
10000/10000 This is an amazing work of art. I wish to have more story like this. I really like it. It's worthy to read, so don't hesitate. I love them all, I love the babies, I love all the couples in here. I love the oldies too, they are accepting, and hopefully accept also skoll and gyr.