Tweedle dumb created a topic of Guiding Hazard
Tweedle dumb created a topic of Stigmata

"would things have been different if a silver of this affection had been given to sion, the boy you abandoned?" Haha hindi naman masakit oks lng parang kagat lng ng dinosaur

Ch 4's so cuteeee wthhhhh tsubaki's blushing face looks so cute ejdudhwhowwkbwbejdks

Tweedle dumb created a topic of Daraku Kazoku-ron

Why're we hating the seme tho? From his reaction i think he doesn't know that she was dating that time?

Tweedle dumb created a topic of Netkama Punch!!!

When ur abandonment issues hits

Tweedle dumb created a topic of Can't Think Straight

I mean i don't rly smile at trash cans either....

Tweedle dumb created a topic of Merry Marbling

Yeah bro what u doin?( ° ʖ °)

Tweedle dumb created a topic of D:AZE

He's gonna turn into a vamp then realize he can control it then they will find cure w this whole ass vampirism then after they find it they'll rescue everyone including first himself then they're gonna build a house beside the beach and life happily ever afterim not accepting any ending other than a happy one

Bro was smilling while mssging him online so me hehehehehehe

Tweedle dumb created a topic of Reunion

The art is so prettyyyy hakyoung looks so seductive and beautifuland yoonsung bro revived my 1% interest in men rjfjidsghssksksksk

Istg Aida's expression around men and women are so differentthe closet is glasses at this point

Tweedle dumb created a topic of Reunion

I've read the uncensored version but damn the censored one gives me more feels jdjdjdjsjsjshshshwjekeo

Tweedle dumb created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Ahh fck i can feel the yearning through that hug ahhhhhh

Tweedle dumb created a topic of Until Morning Light

Operation save ur lover and kill that bitch of a scientist