Tweedle dumb like the answer
no, i've learned the hard way. people won't change just because you want them to even you help them. they have to want it too and i'm a firm believer now of "stop seeing someone for their potential and see them for who they really are." i don't really hate them as i know they have reasons why they're like that, but using it as an excuse to be a ho......
Tweedle dumb like the answer
No. I recently ended a friendship with someone, even though they begged me not too, after groping 3 girls as a "joke" (c'mon man what the fuck?!) Unfriend them, they are toxic people and will probably turn against you at some point.
Tweedle dumb like the answer
Yes. Let me put it this way; what is a morally wrong person? Can you define someone as being just morally wrong? What are the limits of someone being too morally 'wrong' that someone can't be friends with them anymore? The question is vague, and frankly, by any standard, anyone can be a morally wrong person given the correct circumstance. I don'......
Tweedle dumb like the answer
Why would I want to built community with people who think I’m sub-human and only want the brutalization and death of anyone who looks/acts like me.
Tweedle dumb like the answer
Absolutely not. In fact I would even feel betrayed a bit. It would mean that I never truly knew that person. A friend of mine for that long and only now I get to find this side of them? It would be SO HARD to stay friends with someone who is, say, transphobic, homophobic, etc. Probably because I find it so mind boggling as so why people are so hat......
Tweedle dumb like the answer
nah idc what we've been through I can't imagine being friends with ignorant people
Tweedle dumb like the answer
Depends on your morals. You listed ones that I personally find uncomfortable if it were one of my friends. I'd probably try to understand their feelings on the subject, explain my views on the matter and either hopefully convince them otherwise or help them reflect on their views. If that doesn't work I'll just gaslight and manipulate them into agr......
Tweedle dumb created a topic of Shining Summer

If that were me, I'd beat the living shit outta him

Tweedle dumb like the answer
try to get them help. I don't think it is possible to just start hating a person after all of that... if they really want to cause harm or enjoy people being harmed then all I can do is to try to help them correct themselves. plus if you just let them go I think they'll probably hate said group even more. isn't that in a way being there for them at......
Tweedle dumb asked question about question

Just a hypothetical question guys, if ur friend whom you've been friends with for a long time, you've been through thick and thin, up and down and all those things and then you found out that they're not what you think they are like example they're racist, sexist,etc, would you still stay friends with them?

Tweedle dumb created a topic of Barefoot Angel

If this doesn't end in a happy ending i don't know what im gonna do anymore:(

Tweedle dumb created a topic of Love in Orbit

He's a pretty crier alright

I feel like kay's "mom" is trying to look like that light goddess cus the reaction from the demon lord when she saw kays "mom" looks like she saw her lover yk the light goddess. And kays "mom" is imitating that goddess(if u look back at the flasbacks where light goddess appeared she looks like kays "mom") cus she knows demon lord is soft for light goddess

Tweedle dumb answered question about getting and giving gifts
Nothing wrong, hon. I think ur love language is rly just receiving gifts?
Tweedle dumb answered question about question
Im gonna sound ignorant but honestly I didn't know that one of the reason people bully is cus of a name???like how fcking bored can u be to bully someone just bcs of their name
Tweedle dumb created a topic of Stigmata

Honestly, I don't even understand what they're saying, all i wanna see is sion(or sienn) and black haired dude to be happy

Tweedle dumb created a topic of Nakanai Hibari

Tbh it's good so good that i read til the end and honestly I've got nothing wrong goin on on the fact that he took the black haired dude as family cus obviously that's important for the plot and i understand the black hair being underage is also understand but i just can't help feeling quite eugh from the fact that black hair is underageand don't even try to invalidate me by saying "it's just fiction" etc cus gurl... It's still uncomfortable to see underage x adult if ur a sane person(which im not but still, ik what's right) why couldn't the author move the blond hair dude's age closer to the mc? Or like they could've put out the sex scenes a lil later(they could've done it when black hair's like 20ish yo) and not when black hair just turned 18? Like ik jp's age of consent is like 16 but girl