The main character is a red-haired female knight (?) who marries a guy with long white hair who comes from a faraway snowy land. They settle down there together and hunt and eventually have kids. I think they initially met at a party/ball and he proposed to her on the spot? It’s also in black and white, not color. I also remember them riding reindeer maybe?
I don’t remember the title of this novel I read, it might also have a manga. Basically the female mc is ignored and abused by her father and brothers her whole life, I think she worked as a maid in the castle they lived in? Then one day she dies and goes back in time to when she was a child. She distances herself from them and they try to get closer to her and feel really bad when they learn how they treated her in her past life. I think she becomes an elementalist wizard when she gets older in the new life and fights in battles? I remember the finished novel was broken into 4-5 volumes you could read online.
Why call it “side stories” when it should really be another season if you’re gonna be bringing up all this new drama. Side stories should be reserved for after /all/ of the main plot points have been resolved and all that’s left is fluff. It’s just gonna be rushed if you do it this way. Will Karlyle ever get to stop being anxious?