BetterLeftUnknown's feed

lol people be out here not investigating properly

ask the people when and where did they buy it and how.

then check when and where maythan was when it all happened check for witnesses as well.

who was the witness who saw him going around spreading the substance at night . ask for a witness to testify where he was at

if he had that much drugs and he's been selling it where tf is the money as of now.. they dont exactly have maids or butlers there with them. and no one actually talks to him so that would mean if there was a bank or some sort of storage far away from the school he'd have to go there himself. and if the transactions are too often it would seem suspicious so he'd just pile it up somewhere near and then go out of the school to put it away in a bank or secret savings/storage.

make it make sense

oof got too heated there but I'll let this sit until this arc is over