i haven't read it till the end but I just got pissed as to how persistent the younger brother (setz was it?) was in the first few chapters. Don't get me wrong the sexy scenes and other shit were good af but he kinda piss me off... is the book really that good/worth it? will his personality change or will there be a back story as to why he's like that? I read in the comments that the second couple was cute/ better/ or something like that.
I'm fine with a little spoiler
idk if it's a spoil (i hope not) cause they're just pictures so i guess it's a teaser of sorts
Remi and Jake btw haha
i was way too desperate just to search for the pics haha since the release per chapter is really long so here ya go
With Love
Without Reservations
With Caution
With Abandon
hope it also at least satisfies anyone's curiosity
and one last pic that i just saw while trying to search it https://deskgram.net/p/1588985298124272595_5892078174
ahahaha the comedic duo of those brothers hahaha and at the end when the ghost was observing them
that was GOLDEN ahahahahaha