( ;∀;) so is jiwon actually an honest drunk or...... he might be just a clingy and horny drunk.....
anyhow dude is so damn pretty when he did that tiny smile with blushing cheeks and everything

Hopefully it's the former. Jiwon completely changed his behaviour by allowing himself to be carried by DG and then falling onto him (probably intentional as a means to keep holding on to him, ha), whereas the Jiwon that DG knew before this was very prideful, guarded and literally talks about having to put on an act to be "perfect" at university. For him to allow himself to be vulnerable, and not in his pristine state around DG probably was a turning point in the plot, given how previously guarded and insecure Jiwon has been.

mikado is too good to be true ;___; its so admirable with how its his first gay relationship but hes willing to try so hard. and anezaki.... i really hate how he treats mikado as a servant at work (HE STEALS CUP NOODLES WTF????) but i feel like hugging him at the end like please have a faith in yourself :-( will be nice if he manages to trash out the past and fight for the relationship to work out
the character development hits so harddddddd i love it i can't wait for the next chap