Ok #1 Wil-Liam? Yeah? Yeeeaaahhh! #2 she's totes the princess' child #3 Liam was maybe her benefactor? Idk. This story is literally the most wonderful thing I've ever read in my life and I think everyone should read it!
What I would give to rate this a 10 out of 5 hearts! I also purchase the official release when it comes out but this is usually out first. Support the creator of you can!
Oops, sorry. I read that wrong. I thought you said SHE. Hattiert
hahah no worries but i agree i also think she will jump hin any minute but i wonder if dell might get shy know :D or they will just spent the next days in the bedroom :D
In the beginning it felt like it was going to be stupid slapstick, isekai trope jokes. BOY WAS I WRONG!!! Holy cow this story is moving along and giving you a ride for your money! Great read. Glad I didn't give up on it.
It kind of looks like Roxant is the only one who is going to have kids of the three brothers
I feel same way hahha. The other brother's sway in different direction haha