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Diluc like topic of PASSION

I found this info on Quora " Psychopaths have VERY strong sex drives. It’s the emotional component they’re lacking. Because of this, a psychopath will be very quick to engage in sexual intercourse with you, but when it comes to any actual romantic bond, they will be hard as stone. They do not find personalities and character traits attractive, they only find your physical qualities as lustful objects of desire."
And another info on Psychology Today: sex for psychopaths ,it’s more about boosting their ego when they feel rejected, obtaining power, or defending against the boredom psychopaths often feel. Plus, sex—especially with a stranger—allows the psychopath to get incredibly quick access to another person at their most sexually intimate and vulnerable."

Silver haired Seme has these qualities. So,

Based on these information how can author make this silver haired seme likeable???PSYCHOPATHY CANNOT BE CURED. How can readers like him????????? Unless this manhwa is a psychological manhwa which explores psychopathy, it's not worth reading since in ROMANTIC CONTEXT this psychopath seme will be a TRASH who uses anything and anyone to reach his goal.