the anime excludes a nice amount of scenes so id say the manga, but its also a really nice watch... in conclusion, the best course of actions in my opinion is to first read the manga and then watch the anime ^^
the anime excludes a nice amount of scenes so id say the manga, but its also a really nice conclusion, the best course of actions in my opinion is to first read the manga and then watch the anime ^^ foametea
God I love this so damn much. Does anyone have other top tier BL reccomendations for me? I love everything except the dungeon action stuff. Hit me with your best ones plssss (≧∀≦)
I just came from the anime season 2 and binged the whole thing. I feel empty having reached the latest chapter. This story is so beautiful. Thorfy, I hope you get to have a happily ever after ;_;
Hey guys ive loved wolf in the house. How is the new side story? Should I pick it up?