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Nagata Shingo plays cupid in school by investigating the target of affection. He finds out what thei...

  • Author: Suzumaru minta
  • Genres: Yaoi / Smut / Romance / School life / Slice of life
devileye followed a goer

 YO! ⬩takame⬩ here 
Basically an ancient fujoshi from yami no matsue and gravitation days. Still trying to find all those BLs I've read from the span of 15 years *DYING.

 Self-styled Queen of Re-reads 
I always ended up rereading even if it's a 200+ chapters so excuse the few thousands of my "already read section". That's not the real number of mangas I've read eversince.  

 Life is catching up w/ me lately so I apologize for taking very long time to reply

Put some random comments when you follow me and I'm sure to follow back! 

  My advice for younger fujos: 
 Popularity is cool 
but Copying is a NO-NO 
⬧ DON'T recommend in your list what you have not personally read. 
⬧ Don't create a list just only because
it's popular across the boards. I mean: Do you still enjoy reading the mangas? it will just become an obligation 
I've been collecting serious, and a bit more manly bottoms

My favourites: 
-manly couples, non-sterotypical couples
-salaryman stories
-funny and hilarious stories
-handsome uke
- drama (guilty pleasure SSHHHHHH!!)

Hunting for the funniest BL! 

I have high tolerance and do read up to the worst ones. I'm not responsible for any nosebleed, TYVM.
And teens ! PLS listen to this obasan. Avoid if you are not  go to my smut list instead.

⬥ My tags is some kind of an extension and more detailed version of my list.
How to use : CTRL+F to open search page tab and type either seme or uke and it will be highlighted. Interesting tropes like blackmail, butler, yandere, pretend lovers and etc are there.

15 12,2024
devileye created a topic of Hakkenden

girl, if you need help to keep uploading let us know, I’ve been waiting years to read this

devileye followed a goer
26 09,2024
devileye like the answer
Female here, and I completely understand. Usually I don’t like female characters. I feel like there is a fine line between strong female and b*tch, and overwhelmingly authors don’t know how to handle that subtlety. Then there’s is the other end of the spectrum where they make the female either super saintly or super stupid/clumsy. I tend to......
devileye followed a goer

Holy $hit! I’ve been on here for almost 4 years?!

19 08,2024