I would really love this manhwa if I can because it is beautiful and it is brilliant but it's much too emotional for me. I don't quite like schemes like this when it comes to romance anymore. More so when it showed how imbalance their feelings for each other were, even if I know Ines current (I'm quite new in reading) feeling is justified and valid. And I also know Ines (in the novel) as someone spoiled for me, also truly love Carcel as well.
I'll just continue reading those sneak peak spoilers here and there haha
If this damned emperor didn't die for whatever reason, it's another shit show of a manhwa. I don't get why there's so many shitty ML redemption manhwa. Am I supposed to suddenly forget and forgive his shitty behavior ??
It's truly disgusting that people think bullying anyone in anyway is justifiable.
Young Kuran Kaname xD
Jokes aside I really like this manhwa.
I've read some spoilers regarding the novel onwards so I'm still thinking if I wanna read the novel or just wait for the manhwa to be slowly released
If.. if the current Hyunjae able to claim his body back and I'm sure he will bc it should the the law of time or whatever, he will be so pissed. :)
It's so hard to read this. I can't follow what happened at all..
Dude wtf I thought this got updated or smth with the influx of comments. I'm like ???? HOW
It feels like Japan ABO turned Dom/sub. I really don't see the difference here tbh. I like the BD&SM concept but not like this -_-
I liked it but I'm a bit surprised with how much cheats he gets from the system. Despite the supernatural thing going on it's still a scientific world based on medical practice. In the early scene where he has an headache during the minor surgery as in intern to get his hawk eyes etc the stats are able to let his headache disappear in an instant felt like it kinda stopped being quite as realistic to me. Hahaha I liked it but I just hope it more on his own power than the system amplifying it.
WAHHHHHHHH I'm back from catching up. Oh god why did this damn plot do this to phos. My adorable gem. Oh gods. The ending fked me up. If it's not because I read this many years ago I wouldn't bother to catch up for the ending.
I'm getting older and can't handle angst now. I'm WEAK
I can't believe it's still ongoing omg. How many years has it been.
Isn't this all happened due to prejudice ? If only they've raised him the way they should of, would he grew up hating them? Even if Gokumen is in his body, did they know? They just go around calling him bad luck. He's the creation of all these hypocrites.
I really like Manpachi so much.. all the Manpachi
After the fiasco regarding the previous issue, I've seen people who talk shit about this manhwa about how they think this is a trash manhwa bc it shows hitting the minors and letting the minors help them with the case. Now that we've reach the chapter where the charas might hit a child despite being an evil shit the child is, what do you guys think?
Why are there mothers like this??? Like money can't fix everything. Why would you want your kids to grow up immoral and evil?