It's crazy how inhumane some people can be. Like towards a 3 years old ? hope you die prince

Wei Ying created a topic of Our Sunny Days

I've seen so.many beautiful babies but this is the cutest ugly baby ever I love her so much please she's my favorite now

Wei Ying created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

if this is true this might as well be a mfs second season and NOT AN EXTRA whatf write extras like this!!??

Nothing is more fucking annoying than this damned shit appearing on feature and being the first thing I see. I wanna bleach my eyes. I hate this cover. I don't wanna see her supposed kitty everytime I open this site

This whole chapter is so sombre. I wasn't crying per se but there's tear flowing indefinitely, doesn't matter how I wiped it away.

Fuck? Sorry for the profanities but having Takashiro suffered for 1000 years fighting for what he believed in to be true only to join the Duras and Kanata came back to the light ??? Oh my god. This is so shit I can't take it no more. I'm finally able to erase this story from my brain. I legit thought it hasn't ended yet but it did.

Anyway I hope the mangaka will get better and live a healthy life!!

I shouldn't read this before I sleep because I am wholly confused since the first page. I'll try again later

Wei Ying created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

Down vote me because I hate myself too but goddammit at first I thought this baby is really ugly and cute but now he's just super cute. He totally grows on me omg. Adorbs

this is tol fking sad. I don't know how ash do this. Each stage it's all about watching everyone dies around you..

Wei Ying created a topic of 2020

luckily this is a world of fiction bc imagine if everyone who has beef with you wanted to rape you one last time?? The world's gone crazy

Wei Ying created a topic of Underworld Restaurant

I was so sad about rhe child soldier but yall in the comments calling him demure had me laughing mad. Goodness

Omg omg omg I need to marinate this maybe ?? Cause it's getting so excited so I always get so bummed out when it ends on a cliffhanger.

Wei Ying created a topic of Minmotion Syndrome

Wtf I'm just enjoying this cute family life and suddenly this goddamm drama. Have mercy. I just want sugar

this is pure shoujo plot and art but in BL form. Reading this gives me the butterfly like how I read those shoujo romance long long time ago. Super good looking guy, pure face-con panel. Sparkling blushes. Everything looked so shoujo-fied I'm actually kicking my legs

Wei Ying created a topic of Waterside Night

The top stopped being stupid challenge day 1378637 FAILED.

Wei Ying asked a question

They don't make stories like Lover's Mode anymore.. cries.
BTW I'm not sure how old was the uke tho but anyway I love the plots.
I need some long chapters shounen Ai or yaoi that makes me feel they they're really in love. I wanna see progression in their relationships. I wanna see their daily life !!!!

Wei Ying created a topic of Dear, 00

I started crying when Eve mumbled it's alright
No it's not. You don't deserve all these pain. The world should be kinder to you omg that's so sad

Wei Ying created a topic of Special Guidance

I love black hair mls I really do but he does look better in blonde in this case. WHY R U CHANGING INTO YOUR WORST ENEMY


Wei Ying created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

I'm at chapter 34 and I tell you I almost died laughing. Not with the ML making a wholeass gang plot in his head. So dramatic the both of them