I am surprised people seem to disregard Nanmu's trauma and unhealthy habits so easily
He had been doing that for years. You know, have sex with the other two. Did that bring comfort? Some semblance of solidity under his feet? Maybe? No? A twisted sense of, maybe?
Who knows.
I don't think either of them were REALLY responsible for THIS.
The other man, Jeol-Ho, isn't stable at all. It's clear he has feelings for Nanmu — and now, he has to see that love self-destruct all over again. And Nanmu is ( was ) spiraling, thinking himself disgusting and unworthy. Was this method healthy? Absolutely not. But it gave THEM comfort. In a messy, twisted way.
I don't see Jeol-Ho turning Nanmu against Pilgyun either. SO, he is NOT a bad guy. I will insist that their hearts did a little talking through their bodies. A moment of weakness for both of them.
And I'm not excusing the act ( not completely )... but it's not like Pilgyun is making it easy for Nanmu.
I like Jeol-Ho, though ... so, call me biased.
I don't think Jeol-Ho and Nanmu deserve each other, not at all, but I do hope this man gets some closing as well. They all deserve some happiness.
And we're right in the middle of the hurricane, so to speak ... so I'll be waiting for the calm after this storm.

Okay. Okay. I have digested this story and its characters ... and I have questions. Doubts. Inquiries.
Okay. So. I just.
We have cat face. I can understand that kids can get resentful if their parents divorce/separate and then new couple comes along with another child, and then they get ... dunno, resentful of the other kid. I get that. I also get the part of feeling like shit getting compared to the other kid. Yes. What I don't get is why, as it looks, Cat Face stayed mad/resentful toward the other. Like. They are both grown ups now, no? Why store his hatred and act like an ass?
The we have the other, which I will be calling Freako. Okay. So. Freako and his dad appear. They build a family. Freako seems to be good at grades and is an overall good kid — THEN WHAT HAPPENED TO MAKE HIM THIS WAY??? ( my five cents are on the mother, wherever and whoever she is ). But. We go from a Good Kid to a Menace in, like, a blink. And if we don't have a real explanation for this change in a future ... I will lose all hope for the "psychological" tag on this story.
Now. I am crossing my fingers and hoping this story is not only about a psycho and a victim having sex. I'm hoping Freako has a reason to be. I am hoping something interesting will happen eventually to connect the dots ...
My other five cents?
My six eyes tell me Freako IS in love with Cat Face. He gets jealous of the Silver Puppy. He gets possessive of Cat Face. He expresses his "love" in toxic ways. Again, I think it's all about the mom ( or I hope? I mean — familial traumas make psychos, let me cook ). And so, maybe, he develops a nasty habit because he doesn't know how to love in a healthy way?
I dunno. Just trying to find a logic to this story.
It's not bad — not in a "psychological" way ... but I swear if this story doesn't start developing soon, all we are getting are rape scenes one after another.
( I have hopes, though? Kinda? ... I mean — could be )
I won't even touch on the subject of hypnosis ... because one, I don't know nor am I interested about it and two, because the only scene we get of Freako inducing Cat face into is SO short there's nothing to talk about. ( again, this is something I hope gets shown/explained in the future as well )
... okay. I am not done with this story. But my levels of disappointment are rising. And they will drop so low if the author doesn't provide us with a little more depth. But here hoping this ends up being a good story. Somehow. Somewhere down the line.

yea i feel like wooyeon(cat face) might be unreliable as a narrator and there are still parts of his childhood and teen years that haven’t been shown yet.
Maybe theres this big, ongoing misunderstanding starting from childhood that he’s just been keeping to himself that built up into this misdirected grudge towards woojin(freako)? Or maybe there are scenes of woojin being a lil shit behind the parents backs that have yet to be revealed.
Either way, any negative feelings towards him probably doubled with what happened with the bullying in highschool. whether woojin was behind that or not, the rumors and motivation for it involved him, so the association was enough to add to the flames. also the woojin of the present seems perfectly capable of manipulating people to carry that out so i dont think its a complete stretch to make the correlation. its possible.
regarding hypnosis, since irl it cant make you do what you dont want to do, i wonder if that fact and the title “Placebo” implies that deep down, wooyeon adores and lusts for woojin too(?) but that doesnt make sense to me cuz he REALLY seems to genuinely love Junghwi(Silver Puppy) and hate woojin.

i just realized it now but i got the defintion for Placebo skewed so if you also didn’t know, a placebo is a drug or some form of treatment that doesn’t really have any effect physically, but because the mind believes it works, it helps alleviate any pain or negative symptoms in a psychological way.
just by the association of “specific drug/treatment given=pain relief” in your mind, you might feel better, even if the treatment isn’t genuine or not really designed to have any effect. this phenomenon is called the placebo effect.
so based on this definition, perhaps the title refers to how wooyeon(cat eyes) is beginning to associate sexual arousal with woojin(freako), even though he never felt such things before OR
ORRRR woojin believes the hypnosis is working as a treatment to make wooyeon love him more and treat him better because of how wooyeon reacts to it in and out of trance, when its really going to do nothing but hurt wooyeon more when he finds out. (personally i kinda like this theory, but it still doesnt make the use of hypnosis in this story realistic. still utter bs there)

Neither hypnosis nor placebo effect is realistic. The placebo effect, as I understand it, applies mostly to medicines. The purpose of the placebo is to compare an inert substance ( a substance which would induce no effect at all (such as a "sugar pill")) as the control in a study to that of a chemical being tested. That is, to balance out the placebo effect you've mentioned. That is, the idea that the participants think they've taken something to which they think such and such have taken effect, when in fact, all they've taken is an inert substance.
Hypnosis only works when the subject is willing to participate in the hypnosis.
Technically speaking, they are two different things.
There are no controls. There are no comparisons. If WooYeon indeed got hypnotized then it is not a placebo effect. If he didn't but pretended to be then it doesn't make sense he would have lapses in his memory. Because then he truly is indeed has been hypnotized, meaning that this is a not a placebo effect.
If Woojin is the one having the placebo effect then why would WooYeon be hypnotized and have lapses in his memory?!?
Since the start of the whole thing (the original Placebo: Short story) nothing makes sense. The title is falsely misleading or incorrectly used.
I studied bio and these are the things called controls in a study. Same principle applies to any kind of scientific studies.

i see. i misunderstood and got my information all mixed up and convoluted, coming to a misled conclusion, my bad. i believe i did see the control part in my research, but i was focusing on the main definition of “false thing has effects of real thing because subject believes it is real” welp, what can we do, why did we even attempt to analyze porn(even with the little plot it has)? sighhhhhh
as fucked up and unrealistic as it is tho, idk, i just gotta know where and how this story goes next/ends. even if it might be predictable. :’(

It's ok. But for your own knowledge/anyone else reading this comment. The reason why it's called a placebo is because the control in an experiment is supposed to rule that out, in order to see that the intended effect isn't psychologically induced. (let's say you test for drugs that will reduce pain, but the subjects pain reduction is all in their head needs to be factored out to see the real effect of the drug (so let's say 3/10 ppl felt the effect but 1 of them took a placebo then the drug is not 30% but only 20% effective or smthng like that). Otherwise it would be a placebo. It would just merely be a mental thing. Placebo is in context of a control in order to measure something against a zero point of context. Similar to when you're weighing something that is within a container, you have to tare or zero out the container in order to get the actual measurement of the something that you're measuring.
But porn or not the title really threw me off. It's like, can the author be more inaccurate. Plus, it is essential to the plot.
I'm not correcting you to be mean or anything, just educating you or anyone who reads this comment. I was educated for four years as a bio major so we had to learn this stuff. I'm sure it's for any major requiring scientific studies though.
I wish this content is healthy, or will end healthy.
I srsly am wasting my coins in this, but I couldn't stop this train-wreck of a ride. This is how exciting my life is. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

So. Boss-ghost is following orders from Annoying-ghost?
The hierarchy on this place is simply bananas.
Also. I was expecting a little more resistance from Boss-Ghost, with how jealous he is acting, I would also expect some sort of protectiveness. But. I am willing to wait for it. Mark my words, it will happwn wventually >:) because this is clearly a Boss-Ghost fell first story and I am HERE for it.
Also. Damn? Glasses boy knew all along?
So all these times, he did not see hot Boss-Ghost but its true form? ... AND HE STILL FOUND IT ATTRACTIVE?! ( he cannot lie to my face, I'm sure he did find the ghost attractive at some point ). They were really made for each other lol
The jump scares got me good :') and I am so fucking addicted.

....how did you come to the conclusion he looks the ghost when he's scared shitless of him?!?
And how did you come to the conclusion that he can see him and still be attracted to him?!? He was trying to act as if it is his boss..I don't know if he truly is attracted to the boss or not but how can you say he's attracted to the ghost who doesn't even know how to make love and be gentle?!?

Love how Theo's speech bubbles always remain steady and such. And then there are Seth's, all wobbly and fidgety
I thought the mom saying Theo would need their full support meant sending that bodyguard-slash-soldier to him .... but maybe it means using their army to keep blond-head out of the way?
( I really want that bodyguard-slash-soldier near Theo — I feels safe ... )

A group of probable-most-definitely ghosts tell him to shut the fuck up and he apologizes Σ(っ°Д °;)っ
I must protect him. I seriously do.
Okay. So. The one who kissed him on the stairs wasn't the ghost ... but for some reason, I don't think Mr. Ghost is gonna like that at all. Not one bit.
I cringe when he is at any scene. Hate the little lamb, I swear.

This is the ghost, yes?
"Seems like you were looking forward to it." (Talking about the kiss)
"... yes."
Dunno. Baby
The fact that his eyes remained open even as the kiss started just kinda, sorta tells me it's the ghost, though. And the part about knowing his dresms.
Which is interesting. This is literally the first time we see the ghost so freaking calm. So. The calm before the storm? Lol
( I dunno — my funny bone doesn't think this is the OG president ... so, ghost untril proven otherwise? )
I get so excited with each notif, pls. Thanks for not droppin this (/TДT)/

I love He Tian and Mo, don't get me wrong —
But I'd love to see more of Jian Yi and Zhen Xi ╥﹏╥
We have gotten so much He Tian and Mo content already, but Jian Yi and Zhen Xi's story got lost somewhere and we haven't even gotten a continuation of it. I wanna see THEM kiss too. And have silly, romantic adventures of their own.
Just a thought. A whisper.
I started reading this for them years ago — I just miss them ┗( T﹏T )┛

Saaame. I’m absolutely loving the Little Mo and He Tian development, but at the same time feel a tad sad about how Jian Yi and Zhen Xi just kinda seem like they’re tagging along in the background atm. But hopefully with the angst that seems to be brewing in the distance with both Jian Yi and He Tian’s themes of leaving and abandonment , we’ll get another milestone in JY and ZX’s relationship that usually, HOPEFULLY comes after the pain haha.
So. I am opening the Dayeon and Little Brother hate club. I am taking applications — and accepting everyone.
I keep reading this because I like Chan Woo and Sohee, but jfc, Dayeon and Little Brother are so fucking annoying.
I am here, just hoping Dayeon leaves Chan woo alone ... but something tells me she won't. So, I am ready to buy some heart medication, because I am ready to get angry and get my blood pressure pumping.
Against all odds, I really ended up liking Cat Girl. She has always been honest, at least. And I do hope she gets some happiness. Not with Little Brother, fuck him ( and fuck him HARDER for calling HER a bitch ). But. I really hope she can be happy.
Sohee, I am afraid, is just in the middle of a warzone. However, I do think she and Chan Woo can be happy. Chan woo's feelings might not be strong yet, but i do think he likes her and he seems willing to try. That's more than Dayeon and Litte Brother are doing. I just hope neither Chan woo or Sohee result wounded at this point.
But, again, I'm sure fucking Dayeon will show up and screw everything up. She is persistent. And mindless. And stupid to boot. So. Hell. My expectations for her went down the drain long ago.
I am fine. I am fiNe.
i'm in, also why is dayeon's hand and boobs bigger than her actual head in one of the panels in ch53?