Ah, yes. Mr. Yoon's unhappiness ... but in color. I am so ready to suffer through this again.
I am opening the Mr. Yoon Deserves Better club. I am accepting everyone. Maybe this time, we can actually demand a fucking happy ending for this man. I mean. This getting colored will gain attention — AND I NEED PEOPLE'S ATTENTION ON THE MAN THAT DOESN'T LOCK PEOPLE UP OR TURNS OBSESSIVD, POSSESSIVE OVER HIS LOVER *coof* talking to you, black-haired creep *coof*

I loved the story. Loved the characters. Loved the whole old western vibes. Loved the dynamics. Loved the whole "Callahan got scammed too". Loved Johnny. Loved the raw sex — in the way that you can tell its between two men. Loved this end that implies Johnny played everybody and even if Callahan knew, he still defended him.
Yes, yes ... a plot hole or two — but I loved this.
I'm keeping this story in my pocket.

This story got on my nerves too many times
I also disliked, a lot, when the author jumped from one scene to the other so abruptly that one just had to imagine what happened in betweem. Example A : the museum date — like, building up so much expectation just to skip it altogether. I'm.
Also disliked the blond omega. Like. The fuck. He was creepy as all fuck and the cherry on top was having strawberry omega saying shit like "but he's nice" IN WHAT WORLD IS THAT BLOND NICE.
And with that comes: an annoying main character. He started so good. Witty, smart, conniving — and then it got weird in the middle to the point of annoyance. He became dense, stupid, childish and — yikes. The way I CRINGED when the doctor was trying to explain something and he went "no, he's not a fetus, their name is THIS" ... like ... dude ... let the damn man do his job? Or the way he overthought everything or misunderstood EVERYTHING like ... he could've used some common sense.
I do feel for him for the whole miscarriage thing. But aside that?
Another cliche omega that doesn't have half a braincell. I liked him more when he was smart. Sorry. Not sorry.
I enjoyed the family dynamic with the mewling father and stern mom and dramatic brother, I enjoyed them yes —
... but overall ... 3/5, maybe? ( ̄∇ ̄")

Their friendship is too precious to me.
Prosecutor bae really started like "what the fuck" and "why would I believe you"
And now here he is like "yeah, whatever, what's next?" the blind faith in Judge bae is *chefs kiss*
They really are ride or die. THE duo. THE best pals that took Kick ass and Take Names too seriously and finish their day drinking in rooftops.
I love them. If anything happens to them, I will go ballistic. I need more friendships like theirs. Periodt.

Came to re-read and peruse comments to see if I could find like-minded readers like me ... and found crystal babies criticizing the story / art / characters / author instead
The tags and warnings are here for a reason, fellas. Keep them in mind, stay away from the story and LISTO.
This story / characters have so much to give and all people focus on is the rape *clown emoji* AH, but then they turn around and read stories like Killing Stalking / Jinx and call it art. Give me a break.
I could talk centuries about Yule alone that it's not even funny anymore. I need actual readers to speak up because the POTENTIAL, the depth, the EVERYTHING is there and, fine, the story isn't for the weak-hearted, but for the rest of us? *chefs kiss*

I was gonna say pfp checks out but did u read guardians of the lamb after dark heaven? This is obviously a tragedy and a dark story, but how are people 'clowns' for hating the sheer amount of SA in the story? Also, It's natural to complain about the of the plot if the mc gets SAd all the time or makes poor decisions.. I think dark stories like this are meant to envoke negative emotion, that's why they are tragic. If we didnt get a bad feeling while reading, that would be weird.
But, its also hard to tell if the author's intent was to create a dark tragic story, or if this story is supposed to be porn with some plot. That's probably why so many people dislike this. Good for you that you were able to find depth and perspective but the main character at some point is written to be strong willed, but is also so weak at other times it feels like theres a disconnect between his personality and his choices. I would have thought this was an ok dark tragedy and I do get that making these bad decisions is supposed to be a part of the tragedy, but how can expect people not to complain abt an mc that makes god awful choices. But I also think making the readers upset is an intention of the author so they succeed cause I really do hate the ending

Having read both Love Shuttle and this, I just don't like this author's writing. I find their characters underdeveloped and inconsistent. Their plotlines are weak and the pacing can be awkward. I'm not opposed to darker-themed stories, but this is a pretty subpar one imo. I'm curious what draws you to this one specifically.

I keep getting stressed ... and every time, I say I can handle it as long as Big Brothet remains loyal to Puppy girl ... but today, a fear has unlocked : WHAT IF PUPPY GIRL DOESN'T REMAIN LOYAL TO BIG BROTHER?!
This will be my breaking point, I swear to fuck.
If Puppy girl ends up fucking the Little Brother, I'm GONE. If Big Brother goes back to Dqyeon? GONE.
This is so fucking messy. Dayeon and Little Brother fucking off WHEN?!

I mean ... the other guy left his long-time partner because "he had a short dick". And he chased after this one for the length of, well, dick.
... can't expect much from either of them.

See I think the issue is actually that all of his lovers previously were selfish and dismissive, especially in bed. But I don't think the MC has made that connection yet and lacks the tools and terminology to properly convey his emotions (I really like this because it makes him realistic and relatable). Therefore it results in the belief that society consistently pushes and that's big d*ck= good sex, small d*ck = bad sex. It's a super common misconception a lot of people have, especially younger people who have yet to learn how to properly express their wants, needs and emotions. Though there are times that size can make a difference, overall it often comes down to technique and empathy when it comes to matters in the bedroom.

Okay. So.
Serpent Bae said he was free, once the "ritual" was completed. Because he is now allowed to follow the kid that abandoned him.
Does he think Pretty Bae, in their past life, abandoned him?
I mean. If Pretty Bae named him ( finally ) and, somehow, made him take root there ... and then the village fuckers killed him ( just like the women ), it would make sense ... because Serpent Bae would be left thinking Pretty Bae abandoned him when, in reality, he died.
Now, HOW did Serpent Bae find Pretty Bae in the modern setting? Maybe, as the woman with a shaman family said, the serpent tattoo called forth entities — and being the snake one, it coincidentally called Serpent Bae? AND THEN, BOOM, he recognized Pretty Bae?
I NEED TO KNOW. I am way too invested in this (/TДT)/

So remember when he said that fallen beings crawl the earth? In the sides, he is allowed to leave the forest but because he did something bad when he saw the uke suffering, his punishment is to not be able to leave the forest where he took pretty bae’s body.
Basically, serpent bae is “freed” from the forest if uke accepts him. That’s what I got from the raws at least but I could be wrong!!!
Also it makes sense because he loved him in his past life and hinted at the ghost being jealous or that it could be an unrequited love. It’ll be over in 3 chapters T.T
I really thought they were going to kill him ... but now he is back with serpent bae — AND I NEED SERPENT BAE TO NOT LET GO AND KEEP HIM SAFE.
Will it happen?! I don't think so. I do believe the guy dies and serpent bae doesn't know about it until later in ... but for now? I need serpent bae to eliminate that whole village. Pretty please. I want them all gone. I will pay.