The mafia boss acting like a mafia boss ... shocking lol
While I don't like Minhyuk, I don't mind the side stories. Because they never happened. So, in a way, I just need to keep scrolling and focus on what I wanna see ( or don't ).
Hating on he author or the way they are carrying THEIR story / side-stories is just sad.

The way I knew his death would come and I still had the fucking audacity to GASP. I dropped it. My clown mask.
I loved it, though. As far as loop holes go, I think this background story filled most if not all of them.
I love the whole "Powerful creature falls for the very normal guy" trope. It just has something. And, fine, maybe it's not so much "love" as "comfort", but I love it anyway, because both of them offered and received comfort and that's what matters.
( and can I just ... immortal being waits centuries to get reunited with his human? I love it. I love it so much I have this trope tattooed on my soul )
Anyway. I loved this. For once, not a shitty gay story with actual plot. I love to see it.

Actually, I like it AHAHAHA
The characters are quite endearing. The girl is fun as fuck and I do love that HER proportions are not overdone like with any other smut straight story. This time, the overdone proportions are the guys' dicks ( which, mind, are quite ... out of proportion ). But that's a small price to pay.
The guys are also fun. I love that we have a cat AND a dog at the same time. I AM curious to see if their relationship will be like a complete triangle ( I HOPE ) because a triangle where all parties are connected and participate are always SO good.
HERE CROSSING FINGERS that this story will have a good storyline and that the characters remain the same. I am NOT interested about MORE sex partners. Just these three together. I need stories like this one, please. I will cry and sob if this gets shitty at some point. I just need a GOOD straight story, PLEASE.
( I am also EAGER to meet the big brother because he will definitely be a RIOT. he is showing so much potential already lol )
I like its. It's sexy. It's FUN. The characters are GOOD. I like this.

I had to re-read this from the beginning to understand the war because I was totally getting lost lol
So. Too many names. And dukedoms. But. Point is. There's the Emperor ( ratbag number one ), who wants this so-called Stone of Genesis ( which, mind, we haven't been told what it does — as far as I can tell ) and in the past, he told Langueres, where Seth is from, to retrieve it for him. Why? Because only the people of Langueres could handle the beasts at the patch of dark territory. And when Langueres said "Fuck you, no", the Emperor went against them. Thus how Theo came to attack Seth's homeland.
Important things to know about this section of the story? ( I believe? ). One, the Emperor has a son ( golden boy ) and he wasn't in agreement with this attack on Langueres and because he was bullied, he went away. Currently, he is in contact with the RedHead mamacita and I do believe he wants to help this time around so — SUPPORT FOR THEO??? And maybe, once they win, he can replace the Emperor and finally, OH FINALLY, be a just Emperor for all, including Langueres?
I firmly believe the Emperor is a shitbag so i don't know why people haven't gone in arms against him before. But know what? I'm ready to see him die under Atali's hands for threatening her family.
THIS WAR, the one between Theo and Calion ... it was caused because the Emperor, again, asked Theo's people to go retrieve the Stone of Genesis — but this time, it is a "trap", because he found out, via Calion Shitbag, that Theo was pregnant again. So lo and behold, we have this war ... led by the Emperor and Calion.
AND CALION, THAT SHITBAG. When he went "Oh, Theo, do you remember the promise we made when we were young? That you'd give me a chance if I won in a match?" I am CERTAIN that this fuckface is taking this war as his "match", hoping he will win so he can take Theo as his and turn into his new capri.
I swear, my man Theo has the bestest ass because not only does he have Seth hanging off a wing, he has Calion and the redhead creep chasing his ass. Like. Man.
But what the Emperor doesn't know is that Theo's mom, Atali, is bringing in more soldiers and with Seth here now, they have ( double drums, pls ) MAGIC.
I just know Brothers Without a Tomorrow is going to swueeze this deliciously. And I do hope all the characters get what they deserve. Theo and Seth deserve their happiness with their baby and new egg. Langueres deserves its freedom and the chance to grow again. I do hope Atali can be happy and free, at last. I hope Calion and the freaky redhead twink suffer and rot somewhere. Hell, I hope the Emperor dies a very cruel death without seeing or breathing anywhere near the Stone of Genesis, whatever it is or even if it exists.
This is POETIC CINEMA. In this HOUSE we love SWITCH couples! ヽ(`Д´)ノ
i can never find verse couples, do you have any recs?