about Seo An (uke) born in rich family but had bitchass parents and jerk older brother! hes a middle child, he only in good terms with his baby sister (6 years age gap) from child he never had parental live, they expect too nuch from him and never give him loves and morak support. he got abused verbally and physically. secretary was the only one shows up for him. he was rude and arrogant during elementary but middle school he started being nice. but still ppl jealous of him (dumbass mfs) while at the same time the seme grows up with his mother unconditional love but he had to mature fatser die to his family condition (his dad was a gambler and got his fakily into hefty debt that he had to pay) so he had to work from young until now working non stop. he loves swimming but never even dare to pursue it as a career cause of broke and poor he was :( he kept working and working from then until now.
uke got anxiety since child but it got worse since the FUCKER COWARDLY smack him on the head with a fucking bat when he didnt want to CATER TO HIS NEEDS WHEN HE GOT HIMSELF FUCKED IN THE FIRST PLACE!!! he was traumatized since then and cant step in public without getting himself a panic attack :(
ok so how they met? uke got outside hospital but forgot to bring umbrella. seme dtg to him and offer the umbrella, for first time ever uke tak panic and started to love him at first sight la gitu. uke remember him from here but seme tak ingat huhu.
so seme working as pizza delivery man, hantar pizza to the ule at his house TAPI TAK BUKAK HELMET so uke tak recognize him but then yada yada whatever itsvthe plot la basically they started friending eo but the thing is uke was too obvious that he likes the seme and seme noticed je siot HAHAHAHA but he felt that he dont have the luxury and time to love and be loved by somebody and especially with a sons of rich family like uke huhu so he started avoiding him and rejecting him although he LIKES HIM SO WE FINNALY GOT HIM ADMITTING THAT HE ALSO LIKES THE UKEE YIHHHHH FINALLY!!!
ch37 SEME FINALLY ADMIT AND CONFESSED HE LIKES THE UKE BACK!!!!! HE HAD ENOUGH OF SELF PITYING AND NOT TAKING WHAT HE DESERVES!!!! he finally now will learn and practice to enjoy his life and starts liking the uke