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KellyDaiane February 17, 2021 8:52 pm

The story was fine. It feels more like 3 different mangas in one tho.

I couldn't stop thinking about how and why the author felt like writing so many tragedies into mel life...... Was she mad at someone??? Because she certainly got her revenge on mel....

It was so much to the point that the whole "realistic" story felt like shit to me. How can a person be (SPOILER)

abandoned, then find a shit bf, then find another shit bf (hi kain), then raped next to just-killed men, then kidnapped by a fucking serial killer, raped for a month and seeing more people being killed in front of him and ah, dying quite young with a disease............

It just felt like the sensei wanted to make him suffer, I was a bit pissed to tell you the truth. lol

    KellyDaiane February 17, 2021 8:55 pm


    And how tf I forgot about him being raped by his step father.

    like brooooo aaaah just I could only think "senseiii chiiilll that's ENOUGH we get it he HAS SUFFERED"

    brokenseason May 9, 2021 4:52 pm

    I highly agree, it just made this very realistic story seem a bit unrealistic, and also at some point I started seeing through the events. I kinda expected him to get kidnapped once again since everything was looking a little too happy. And I guess the author doesn’t like too much happy

KellyDaiane December 10, 2020 1:33 am


If they throw me a naruto shit let's all be friends afterward I.... I CANTTTTT

do NOT forgive this piece of SHIT. don't make me go trough ittttt aaaaaaaa

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I'm trying t b as anonymous as I can LoL
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