Bij December 9, 2020 6:00 pm


Bij September 8, 2020 7:07 pm

I need a seke list/tag please thank you

Also, how do I search tags?

Bij April 19, 2020 10:44 pm

Any manga that started out with couples already tgt?

Bij January 23, 2020 5:37 pm

I’m from Malaysia and it’s Chinese New Year here! I would like to binge read some manga with happy family or couples spending new year together anyone can recommenced please shoot!!

    Shuee_ January 23, 2020 6:11 pm

    Hey fellow malaysian here! (⌒▽⌒) Happy Chinese New Year. I binge read this yesterday so its the only one that come to my mind so here ya go

    Bij January 24, 2020 3:22 pm
    Hey fellow malaysian here! (⌒▽⌒) Happy Chinese New Year. I binge read this yesterday so its the only one that come to my mind so here ya go Shuee_


Bij November 14, 2019 7:56 am

Hope you guys get an update from your fav manga and found what you want to read or found a new manga to read

I’m seeking an advice from all of you! I’m sorry it’s gonna be very long. So, it is about a friend of mine (let’s call her A). She....apparently I found out she is a “fake friend”. We’ve known each other way back in my previous university since 2015/16 (i don’t rmbr). We both transferred to America to study at the same university, for the same major too. All along, her personality is that she likes to gossip about people. I usually listened to her and we both get along. At first we are just good friends, but lately we’ve been very close because I introduced a friend (let call him B) of mine to her.

Friend A always seem to get along w me fine. I personally don’t like to gossip or talk bad about other people especially if it’s my friend. I already knew and accepted her personality that likes to talk bad about people. She said it makes her feel good to talk bad about people and stereotyping others. I dislike that a lot as I’m a very sensitive person. I struggle with mental health myself and often cries a lot or get into depression. I also get anxious sometimes. Currently, I’m kinda in “recovery”, where I’m getting better each day. Only sometimes, I have “episodes” of mental breakdown due to piled up feelings. My problem is that I care about others too much, more than myself.

Friend A has always expressed how she loves to hang out with friend B because friend B is a very funny person and has a unique personality. However, you can actually see that friend B are closer to me as we live and work in the same building, while friend A work and live at a different building. Friend B is closer to me because as I mentioned, I was the one introduced B to A. Until today, I believe A started to be close with me all because she wants to hang out with B. But, I honestly don’t mind, as I know I’m just an ordinary girl.

Few days ago, B asked me if I have anything to say about A. I was curious, however I insisted and told B that I will not talk about A behind her back, as we are friends. B then decided to tell me that A talked bad about me to B. Prior to this, I had an episode of mental break down 1 or 2 weeks before. I texted in the group chat (3 of us), that I was not feeling well and I felt like crying. When A saw this, A told B “why is she behaving like that again? She’s just looking for attention!” and proceeded to make fun of my mental health. B told me this was not the first time A has done this. A has always made fun of my mental health to B and always mentioned I was only looking for attention and that I’m an attention whore.

When B told me this, B said he was uncomfortable with what A told him. B don’t take my mental health lightly as he understand it. Multiple times I tried to tell A about my mental health, however she never said or do anything to it, as in she does not care. I thought it was because it is in a situation where people don’t know what to do when I tell them about my mental health. And I totally understand and never did expect anything from her. However, it broke my heart when I knew that she made fun of me.

Our friendship consists of 3-4 years now. She has always act nicely in front of me, that’s why I never doubted her. One thing I can tell you all is that she can never be true to any friends she has. She is extremely popular in society - friends, colleagues, professors, etc. People always remember her, but not me. She is a hard working person and a smart person - 4.0 student. I’m just a 3.0 student. Right now, I don’t feel comfortable being friends with her and I want to tell her the truth - that she’s a fake ass bitch. 3 of us initially had a plan this weekend, however B and I want to I uninvite her. We’ve come out with an excuse to tell her the plan is “cancelled”, but actually we both are still going without her. However, 70% of me wants to tell her the truth that I don’t want to be her friend anymore. But, I’m scared. I’m not sure I’m mentally strong enough. I already broke down once after I knew about her talking bad about it. When she asked me ytd so if the plan still going on, I told her yes. My cousin told me, why should I feel bad not inviting her, when she doesn’t even feel bad talking bad about me. While I decide to come up with an excuse to uninvite her, A talked bad about me to B ONCE AGAIN this week..... sigh, I’m not sure what I should do. My feelings are all over the place this week.

Thank you for reading until here. I really appreciate you taking time to read this

    Bij November 14, 2019 8:29 am

    I just told her that the plan is cancelled, and she replied why. I haven’t reply. Should I be harsh and tell her the truth - that she’s a fake ass bitch. Or I just lie to her and tell the excuse we came up with. I’m unsure if I should pretend like nothing happened and just hang out with her less, because she act like nothing happened in front of me. Or if I should tell her straight that I don’t want to be friends anymore because I don’t any negative person or people who don’t care in my life. I wanna spend my effort and time on people who actually deserve it.

    Addz0w0 November 14, 2019 8:34 am
    I just told her that the plan is cancelled, and she replied why. I haven’t reply. Should I be harsh and tell her the truth - that she’s a fake ass bitch. Or I just lie to her and tell the excuse we came up ... Bij

    I think you should tell her the truth, it’s best to get toxic people out of our lives as fast as we can (ノ°ο°)ノ

    Raevan November 14, 2019 8:50 am

    You made the right choice... Base on your story, A is a very toxic person, it does not justify her actions just because she feels good talking sh*t about others behind their backs...

    Toxic relationships are often the cause for more depressing thoughts.. Cutting her off is the right thing not just for your mental health and also for your other friend B.. you won't get any benefits being friends with A, putting up with her actions, means you're not being truthful to yourself. That won't help your recovery stage, rather, you'll become quite and lip-tight person since you can't be vocal of your feelings and ideas with her. Worst case, it might even cause you more mental health problems.. excluding her would be hard for you at first.. but it'll be okay later on.. I don't suggest confronting her about it... Knowing your mental state, it'll worsen your condition... Just avoid her.. if you do plan confronting her, just make sure B's with you since he's someone who knows your real condition.. you're in a very sensitive state

    She's not beneficial to you. Sometimes cutting other people off even if they're important to you, is way more better than holding on to them. YOUR MENTAL HEALTH IS THE TOP PRIORITY. And she's not helping. Remember that. Be selfish for once and take care of yourself.

    DDD November 14, 2019 9:45 am

    As the wise men said, "Better take rotten apple from the hoard, than let it lie to spoil the good ones there." Please feed your soul with positivity. Her selfishness and self-centeredness won't do you any good.

    imber November 14, 2019 10:14 am

    there is a difference between a friend and someone you hang out with, get along with
    judging by this, she was more on nice person that happen to be near ( until you found out she was just acting nice while talking behind back
    a real friend will come to your place the moment you write you need a shoulder to cry, call you, ask you how they can help or at least thats what you should look for in a friend
    not someone so unsympathetic and hypocritical

    Bij November 14, 2019 11:08 am
    You made the right choice... Base on your story, A is a very toxic person, it does not justify her actions just because she feels good talking sh*t about others behind their backs...Toxic relationships are ofte... Raevan

    Thank you so so so much for telling me this. I’ve decided to do that. I love all what you just said to me, and I’ll always remember that. Thank you very much.

    Bij November 14, 2019 11:08 am
    I think you should tell her the truth, it’s best to get toxic people out of our lives as fast as we can (ノ°ο°)ノ Addz0w0

    Thank you, but I’ve decided to just tell a lie and avoid her after reading the rest of the comments Thank you!

    Bij November 14, 2019 11:09 am
    As the wise men said, "Better take rotten apple from the hoard, than let it lie to spoil the good ones there." Please feed your soul with positivity. Her selfishness and self-centeredness won't do you any good. DDD

    I understand, thank you for replying

    Bij November 14, 2019 11:09 am
    there is a difference between a friend and someone you hang out with, get along withjudging by this, she was more on nice person that happen to be near ( until you found out she was just acting nice while talki... imber

    Yes, you are right and I agree. Thank you for replying!!

    Akimi November 14, 2019 1:17 pm

    Wow so long

    Dr. LazyAss November 14, 2019 9:46 pm
    Thank you so so so much for telling me this. I’ve decided to do that. I love all what you just said to me, and I’ll always remember that. Thank you very much. Bij

    You're welcome dear(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
    Stay strong and take care!!

Bij August 3, 2019 1:59 pm

Who basically live on this website?

Bij July 3, 2019 8:31 pm

Hello beautiful perverts, hope you’re having a great day or night reading this. I need an advice.

So, I’m friends with 2 guys recently. We are very close and hung out everyday (it’s summer break). Btw, we are all college students. I will call them guy 1 and guy 2. I have a little feelings for guy 1. However, we are both bisexual. He is... a little feminine....A LITTLE. Guy 1 does a lot of skinship with me, he’s always sitting close to me, lean in a lot to me. If I were to turn my head, I would’ve kissed him (exaggerated). He’s always so close to me. Me trying so hard here pretending I’m fine while my heart is bursting open. He can sing too, so when he sings, my heart will pump extra and my face starts to pump more blood. I’m trying to convince myself I don’t like him, I can’t have feelings, he ain’t like that, maybe he’s just the type to be close with anybody. I’m unsure if he does the same with guy 2 or with anybody. I’m too shy to even ask others “hey does he do that all the time with you too?”. Plus, he is a little feminine and bisexual. I’m unsure if he even have feelings for me. He always acts like it’s nothing. Here am I, pretending to be fine and smiling with my teeth (and also not turn my head when he’s so close to my face).

All I think about everyday while hanging out with him is I want to SQUEEZE HIM and..........kis- shut up bij shut up.

Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

    Rosa Black July 3, 2019 8:53 pm

    If you don't confess you'll suppress your feelings until he moves on and forgets about you and you'll end up heartbroken. If you do confesse you'll get you heart broken but eventually will move on or youll get together and hope fully have a healthy and bootiful relationship. We caN all see you have better options with number two so now go and I'm sorry if u get rejected because of me.ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    PlumpSprouts July 3, 2019 8:56 pm

    I mean, I understand you wanting to prevent potential awkwardness, but your already in a bit of discomfort because you don't know if you guys both want the same thing, honestly take my opinion with a pinch of salt, you need to nip it at the bud, (communicate not saying it like it's super easy, I understand) I mean imagine your situation for another few year are you satisfied with it? If nothing changes, or is cleared up, I mean even if he is just the touchy feel-y type then you can consider to move on and still be friends, that's just my few cents...

    Alien1995 July 3, 2019 9:32 pm

    Ask him about how he feels about you but make it seem like a joke so if he's not into you you'll know and still can pass it up as a joke, and if he's into you then I can't wait to see your beautiful love babies! ^^

    usagi chan July 3, 2019 11:44 pm

    Idk how he feels about you, but I think he is showing skinship on purpose and is definitely trying to provoke a reaction out of you. :) maybe try to do exactly what he's doing (mimic his behavior) and see if that catches him off guard. If he gets surprised or nervous in any way I think that would be a clear indicator that he is well aware of what he's doing. ;) also it might lead to something more...

Bij July 3, 2019 6:31 pm

When you’re faster than your notification on mangago.

    Nea Bea July 3, 2019 7:04 pm

    I am speed

    Skee July 3, 2019 8:17 pm

    I am the same...then next day i receive the update warning and i am very, very irritated.

    Awesome Person July 3, 2019 8:51 pm
    I am the same...then next day i receive the update warning and i am very, very irritated. Skee

    same....I just use the notifications for when I happen to miss one

Bij March 28, 2019 12:54 am

Anyone has childhood friend manga list? Shoujo or Yaoi

Bij February 5, 2018 8:08 am


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