raws: https://chiupload.carrd.co/
please also just backtrack the comments, there's usually someone asking for raws and someone will respond with the raw link. not too hard to find lol

*spoilers from the new raw chapter*
seeing taehwan and alex bickering with each other lol, idk why but i feel like they could be good friends. they may hate each other’s guts now but later on, best buds, maybe?
anywho, i’m sure the person who called out to yeonwu is either chris or some stalker we don’t know yet.

I think it's Smith too, especially since that person and YW spoke in English (the dialogue was italicized). So I think that eliminates TW or any of the Korean characters. Why must cliffhangers be a thing? And yes, I loved the bickering, and I hope it continues even after YW and TW get together.

They would be so cute as bickering friends/rivals! Yeah, he definitely needs more people he can actually talk to, like with Emma. And the fact that Alex doesn't worship TW (like some of his friends do) will probably help TW lower his guard, especially since he doesn't have any positive expectations from Alex to meet. I can't wait! I really hope and trust that the author will show the after part of when they get together.

raws aren’t in english lol they’re in korean. but here they are: https://chiupload.carrd.co/

*spoilers from the raws*
so the emma girl is just a friend and nothing more lol. i feel like she might be gay too but we’ll probably won’t know until later on. the thought of her and esther came to my mind and i think they’ll be cute together??
anyways this will definitely lead to misunderstandings and drama; can’t wait until next week now!

*below contains spoilers for the new raw chapter*
okay so, when taehwan asked if yeonwu was fine with getting choked, yeonwu had a flashback of when the blonde dude choking him during sex. yeonwu then grabbed onto taehwan’s hand and put it on his neck and said that he was fine with it. taehwan then said, what a crazy guy; but he let go of his neck and said that he was joking and he wouldn’t do that (or he wouldn’t go that far).
yeonwu was actually scared of getting choked again but when taehwan pulled his hand away and said he wouldn’t do it, yeonwu felt relief.
taehwan’s actually being considerate of yeonwu now. he noticed that yeonwu’s hands were shaking (from being scared) when he said he was fine with getting choked.
it’s kinda cute that taehwan was making squishy faces with yeonwu’s cheeks lol.
i can feel the angst buildup already, even from the previous chapters. yeonwu definitely will get a heartbreak ugh. i feel like this Emma girl is just a friend and nothing more (am i just being hopeful? lmao) but either way, it’ll definitely stir some conflict and misunderstandings.
*spoiler for latest raw chapter*
when yeonwu was stating the flaws about Smith and dissing him, omfg yeonwu was so badass LOL. and after he finished, he said:
yeonwu: sorry, i should’ve talked to you earlier. that would’ve saved you the trouble of stalking me.
yeonwu: ...but yeah, even stalking. you think that if you can clear the problem now, that i would go back to you- really- you’re greatly mistaken.
(take these translations with a grain of salt)
and then taehwan coming in at the end, ooooffff he’s so mad an pissed, excited for next week!
Can u give me the raw please…
Thank you for this! I haven't seen any summaries for this chapter, so I really appreciate yours.
Do you know what Tae said when he grabbed Smith?
he said “fuck, what are you doing?” or “what the fuck are you doing?”
what do you think of him saying 또? im still pretty beginner when it comes to korean, so i was wondering if this means that taehwan noticed when smith was stalking him? almost as if tw is saying "the fuck are YOU doing?" like he recognized him, or something along those lines. or is it just a sort of amplifier of the "what are the fuck are you doing?" sentiment. thanks!
actually rather than "the fuck are YOU doing?" it feels more like "fuck, you again? whats with you?"
i’d say it’s more of an amplifier!
thank you!
Hi, i can no longer find your raw upload :( is there any new link? Thanks
where are you the link is down