Everyone ships garim and yoonseoul but tbh I think it would be beter if Garim was alone IDK something about yoonseoul...she feels kinda boring mary sue lol sorry. Im just happy he got to see his mom :) my boy dont need no girl.... while male mc is also boring and a fuckboy so i think short brown haired girl is done dirty bc we all know he’s gonna end up with yoonseoul rip cute short brown haired girl :(

People talking about how he looks just like a girl but even if the Uke is pretty and acts feminine it’s not like he’s so feminine to the point he’s not a man? I mean he clearly has a manly face structure (long face, and sharp, angular bone structure), he’s not small and is a pretty big person, and his eyes aren’t big and girly though he’s still def a pretty boy

It’s nice to see caregivers be empowered without stripping away the maternal aspects. It’s always sad to see how people think that “receiving” is inherently inferior to “giving”, and I’m assuming author is going with power bottom omega (judging from past works) which is far more empowering than a top omega since that wouldn’t give the same empowerment regarding the idea how “receiving roles are weak or effeminate”. Stripping the maternal aspect away from an omega would just reinforce the idea that receiving or birthing is weak which is why I’m really appreciating this idea as it embraces the maternal nature as something to be proud of, something powerful. There’s many foreign cultures that follow a matriarchal society that not many people know about and it’s great to see one reflected in this work. Really nice touch

After reading spoilers, I’m wondering if it’s supposed to parallel the myth “The Conflict of Horus and Set” where the two have some sort of battle with homosexual tension and powerplay to claim the throne. Don’t know if the author will actually include this part of the myth so ill mark as spoiler:
Also Horus even impregnated Set in the story lol just thought it was interesting
I usually don’t write comments but I am this time just to say that the translators for these updates are awesome. They are so dedicated and passionate as well as a kind. Such wonderful translators and uploaders, really, especially with how detailed they get with their translations and notes. Thank you for all your hard work!