First I was like damn nice manga, kinda original, and then I was like wtf just happend. Like I feel like the characters personalities change to fast. First the seme pretended to be a nice guy then he showes us his real personality that he is a jerk and only cares for sex. Then after receiving a blowjob from the uke he is all like omg I luuuuvvv u.the we skip 3 months ahead an no development has happened, like he is still head over heels in love with uke.

This manga would be so much better with a not so stubborn and cluless uke, like the seme tho

Unpopular opinion, but I kinda agree with you... But that's the charme with this manwha, I think it's kinda cute that Meili is such a child, but yeah the story would be really awesome if meili was a strong and independent character who actually knows how to live life like the brother from the secretaryヾ(☆▽☆)

Asami is a motherfucking rapist

Let's see ,mee, why is Asami any diff from any other seme character in the other managas on these pages that do exactly the same thing if not more? do you go on thier pages and post the same thing abt. their characters? or is it just Asami?

If you're so annoyed by an innocuous sexual fantasy, you must read something else. I dont understand why people take so seriously a common fantasy for bored housewives

Yawn. This is fiction. Its fantasy. No actual people were harmed in the making of this manga

I'll give you credit for being consistent. Just looked around your profile. I don't see you praising other rapist seme so ok. I've seen a few folks on here bash characters for being abusive or whatever but then I go into their profile and see them drooling over Sangwoo or Karino and it's like wtf? :S At least if they are gonna be a hypocrite they should delete their posts that give them away.

Pretty sure there is no story of Asami raping his mom, or anyone else's.

And to cover all the bases, Akihito is a crime lord fucking photographer! Can't wait till we get to see more of that. :)

HAHAHA!! (▰˘◡˘▰)

Ahah, I didn't say raping a mother though - (≧∀≦)

May be this person thinks he did???????. ^^ It is not abt. the manga anymore, it is abt. people and their issues.

May be this person thinks he did???????. ^^

My response was to what the OP meee said. I didn't see any post from you, unless your using two different monikers here. Are meee and Rommy on her phone the same person?

Got it. Lol, Had me confused there for a moment. I'm going to have to start a chart soon to know who is who. As for Mums that Asami has been with, I get the feeling he never had to force any. They probably throw themselves at him like the rest of us fangirls would.

What annoyes me most is that it's ok for asami to be a rapist but when, another manga starts with rape every body is so hating on the seme

'Cause he is a sympathetic rapist

You've posted the same thing several times now. Don't forget to include FeiLong. He's a rapist too. Or do you only hate Asami? If it really bothers you this much why gripe about it here? Complain to the publisher.

You're forgetting Sakazaki the sleazy blackmailer and Sudou "rapist version"

I did consider them, but Sakazaki was a blow job that Akihito could have walked away from, if not for wanting info from Sakazaki. And Sudou, while definitely a potential rapist was stopped before he could, so i left them out, for now. And of course there was Yuri. He could've become a rapist.

Then you had better start hating every character in yaoi bec. the template is mostly the same.People also have a right to like the characters they want to like. no matter who they are.

That person gave "Killing Stalking" just one star, so not, bro. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

To be a rapist, one must commit an act on an unwilling person. why was Takaba getting off with thoughts of Asami in his head a few chap. after that incident. Bec. he liked it his Asami. Takaba liked the leather and ruff. After all This was written as a bondage manga ........ period. not a manifesto for social justice. THIS PORN smut with story and it is NOT REAL. no rapist no victim. It is so readers pure escapism. Fantasy.


I understand perfectly. You want it known that you hate Asami. Asami, the rapist seme.
Your unhappiness is directed toward people who like a character who is a rapist, correct? I find Sangwoo and his actions incredibly vile and don't understand why anyone would find anything appealing about him (and yet I like reading K/S), that's why I said I kinda get it.
Come to think of it, I don't think there's a single character I like in Killing Stalking, lol.

I suggest we take a shot each time you say ''derailing''.
By the way, J is not in denial that Asami is a rapist. Asami not being a rapist wasn't the point he was trying to make at all. Which is why he told you to read again what he said. He just wanted to prove the point that stories can be enjoyed even if one finds characters in them to be vile, something he feels himself as a reader of ''Killing Stalking'', and you yourself seem to agree with him on that.

I love Morinaga chan even if he's another rapist

this ain't the place to comment on fucking yuris!!

This ain't the place to comment on Koisuru Boukun
Nurse Lightasus might get angry

I accept your challenge. Me and Jose C. are ready!

Don't worry about it. It's fun watching how easily some people get pissed off about minor things. Feel free to do it again. :)

*gulp* This derailing challenge could get very interesting.
Wow, so 80% of the guy are attracted to a guy with a slight femminin body, wow just wow. Like have u never seen a female before
Lol XD