genuinely dont know how they got a translator to spit this shit out bc literally the first thing that comes up when you google 철컥 (what was translated to iron enemy) LITERALLY TELLS U THAT ITS THE ONOMATOPOEIA FOR CLINKING/RATTLING/SNAPPING. like at first i just thought maybe they're inexperienced but its not fucking hard to take 5 seconds to google shit. like i was nice abt it in my first comment right after i read this for the first time but its so obvious they put very little effort into this. :/
also a hen's egg is actually sth like a tingle sfx and prince zawhateverthefuck translates to flinching :| yeah this translation was abysmal. like ion wanna be mean but christ it took me minutes to google this shit. honestly feels kind of disrespectful that they put this out :// but idk their situation maybe its a literal kid or someone who's first language isnt eng/kor so idk. still not a good translation.
tl/uploader notes rlly came for yall at the end lmaoooo. they weren't wrong tho