People still coming here to cuss at the readers and telling them "pedo" is soo funny. What are you guys trying to prove?
It is already past 100 chapter and it is funny that same people coming here again n again to cuss at others to make them superior.

Wtf you doing here then?
Reading something for entertainment or fun doesn’t make it real. I love reading murder/mystery novel, it doesn’t mean that I like murdering people. And this manga is not something to be ticked off. I read worse but didn’t saw wisy-wasy people like you on those comment section.
And btw the people who want to deny something are the one who react too much.

I knew your degenerate pedo ass was gon say some brainless shit like this. I'm really tired of explaining this, but okay, bitch, I'll explain it again,even if your empty brain might not get shit.
Reading about murder and mystery is totally fine. In fact, reading about any crime-related or traumatic shit is okay—as long as it's shown for what it is(example - berserk manga), instead of trying to make it look cute or normal like this shitty-ass manga portraying pedophilia as something romantic and cutesy, trying to normalize it and shit.
I bet all of this went flying over your head

I used to think the same when I started reading this shit. I thought it might just be a cute kid having a childhood crush and he might grow up soon, but it got mad weird at some point. Like, the kid having sexual fantasies about the guy, kissing the guy's neck in one panel, and even riding on top of him, even kissed him. And the guy, instead of rejecting it and making it clear, the mf got all blushy and shit,do you think that's normal?That's when I realized that this shit is actually shotacon, and the kid ain't gonna grow up. All of this bitchass author's works are lolicon and shotacon, and then I dropped this shit.

yeah well, it’s the author of blend-s… that’s why i never thought the kid would actually grow up, yet i still have my hopes up since author has drawn them older. Judging from author’s previous work blend s, main couple did end together so this one might finish in a similar way? Never read it though, it’s just my guess. So yeah, that’s my theory, it’ll probably end in a sneak peek of their adult versions living happily ever after but the whole story will focus on their younger versions.
Idrc tbh, i find the fighting in the comments hilarious, it’s perfect for killing time

Ofc you gotta be another brainless hoe when tf did i say that i read this degenerate shit? I just come here to trigger y'all degenerates that's my main motive and it's working very well + i can say the same shit to you dumbfuck if you don't like people hating on this shit then don't fucking read the comments.simples you crying over it ain't gon stop me from hating either

Dumb hoe lying ain't gon save your ass you whore i never blocked you but i get it your attention seeking ass wanted my reply so bad and didn't have anything to say so you decided to use my own comeback on me be original at least bitch and i am here to trigger your pedo ass you fucking dumb whore suck my dick or hop off it you fucking slut

And listen you fucking slutty ass bitch as your dumb fucking brain isn't capable of comprehension this is a comment section so people can hate this shit all they want and you can't do shit but cry like a bitch you're so maybe get your brain placed in your head instead of your mushy triggered cunt you mad hoe

So you're just here to trigger people ? Sounds like you're spending a lot of time on something you claim to hate. Maybe find a better hobby ? We clearly have different views but at the end of the day, it's just fiction. No need to be so triggered about it. If you're so obsessed with "offending pedo bitches" maybe go focus on the hundreds of other stories that are a lot more problematic than this one instead of throwing a tantrum over fiction.

The words you use definitely reflect you. You love attention that is why trying to trigger other people to get attention and it is very clear to all of us. And you can hate this manga all you want. But coming to MY COMMENT SECTION and cussing me and others it just on another lvl of attention seeking. And trust me no one is crying because of your yapping. You are a nobody who is seeking attention from others. And you think I need attention from someone who has soo much hate for people who they never met. KEEP DREAMING.

Jesus Christ my brain always hurts reading y'all bitches replies ngl, but ok I'll say it again and again as you fuckers just love to beat around the bush and have only one line ,i HATE this pedo manga and y'all pedo niggas who defend this shit with your life but i FUCKING LOVE triggering y'all mfs and hating on this shitty manga,and who tf are you to tell me what to do nigga this is comment section not your lil room so you don't get to tell me what to do ,this js the best hobby I've had so far lol

LOL, the irony of you crying about "copying" while all you do is spam the same tired insults over and over. If an infant has better comebacks, what does that say about you.
Imagine having so little going on in your life than wasting your time on this. Just move the hell on and stop annoying everyone with you weak-ass whining. People will keep reading this if you like it or not and you can't do anything about it. Your insults won't change a damn thing.

Bitch you can't be the one to say"stop whining" cause all i see is y'all mentally deranged whores whining about how people hating on this shit and yes i fucking use insults in my own fucking way unlike copying others comeback like you, if i am wasting my time on this then you're doing the same you retarded hoe cause look at you keep reading my comments and keep arguing ,and I'll FUCKING NOT STOP TRIGGERING YOUR MENTALLY DERANGED PEDO ASS YOU CAN KEEP CRYING ABOUT IT LIKE A TODDLER BITCH ,and if my insults don't do shit then your ass would've ignored but OF FUCKING COURSE YOUR ASS GOT TRIGGERED ENOUGH TO KEEP REPLYING AND ARGUING lmao it's really funny to see y'all bitches all hot and bothered because?? Someone hating on CHILD GROOMING get your brain checked or go get touched or something bitch
It surely deserve more than 9 rating!!!
The plot is unique and it hooked me all night. I loved the suspense/horror in it. Didn’t thought much before reading it but it was honestly good and unique to me.
But the art really toned down the suspense and horror. This one best fit with the "chasing tails" or, "sweet home" art.
Anyway, I really felt bad for the ex-lover. He might be controlling and not fit with MC but he didn’t deserve this suffering. And I felt like both were wrong as MC mentioned, they lacked communication. Maybe if MC opened up to him, outcome would be different.
And the biggest villain is here not the kite or, kate ghost but those disgusting parents of him. How did they gave birth to this pretty boy when they look like druggie. And that ghost is disgusting, good that he died.