Unsuccessful in getting his work serialized in a shounen magazine, struggling manga artist Susumu is...
- Author: Mochino Kome
- Genres: Romance / Slice Of Life / yaoi
Unsuccessful in getting his work serialized in a shounen magazine, struggling manga artist Susumu is...
- Author: Mochino Kome
- Genres: Romance / Slice Of Life / yaoi
Unsuccessful in getting his work serialized in a shounen magazine, struggling manga artist Susumu is...
- Author: Mochino Kome
- Genres: Romance / Slice Of Life / yaoi
Yano and Shizuki get down and dirty in this Breathless Momentum bonus story that is sixty-plus pages...
- Author: Zeniko sumiya
- Genres: Comic / Yaoi / Mature / Smut / Romance / Slice of Life Comic Romance Slice of Life
Matsuda Kei is a private investigator who specializes in quirky cases centered on his local neighbor...
- Author: Sakae kusama
- Genres: Yaoi / Adult / Smut / Romance
Matsuda Kei is a private investigator who specializes in quirky cases centered on his local neighbor...
- Author: Sakae kusama
- Genres: Yaoi / Adult / Smut / Romance
Sumida likes to have barbecues with his peers, but only Mizuno, nicknamed "the prince of ice," won't...
- Author: Wanibuchi
- Genres: Oneshot / Yaoi / Ecchi Oneshot
Sumida likes to have barbecues with his peers, but only Mizuno, nicknamed "the prince of ice," won't...
- Author: Wanibuchi
- Genres: Oneshot / Yaoi / Ecchi Oneshot
After getting stabbed on the bus, the manga artist Tetsuo Tanaka finds that he has been reincarnated...
- Author: Maria, mりあ
- Genres: Yaoi / Mature / Smut / Reincarnation Reincarnation
After getting stabbed on the bus, the manga artist Tetsuo Tanaka finds that he has been reincarnated...
- Author: Maria, mりあ
- Genres: Yaoi / Mature / Smut / Reincarnation Reincarnation
Recently divorced gay company man, Narumi, visits a cafe he used to be a regular at prior to his mar...
- Author: Yoshii haruaki
- Genres: Yaoi / Romance