TJ is hot af but his relationship w Ian is so toxic, even Ian knows this but they've been together for so long that he can't bring himself to part ways n here my sunshine boy is sandwiched btwn their push n pull ughhh can ian get his shit together n choose one of them so I can finally breathe!
Yeah it would be nice if he could choose. Though if he chooses Jo I don’t think TJ is the type of person to just let it go and will retaliate and use any means to get Ian back. We have already seen this he has a history of this behavior when Ian tries to leave. I just hope Jo makes it out okay.
probably the first time where I'm seeing yakuza seme go "yes I like him n won't be manipulating my way to him", he's so clear on how he wants to treat sawol n doing it right that he's shaming all top love interest in this genre
so what I'm getting is seoin's brother probably had a thing for him n messed things btwn our main couple??? also there should be a trigger warning for orgy bc my eyes can't digest these random men in boxers anymore
I've read lots of work by beginners who aren't good at execution but goddamn this is a mess. whoever wrote the storyboard n approved it needs to be fired bc why tf is this confusing for no reason; I only continued for colton's mesmerizing eyes
I want tj for myself! i think that would solve all the complicated love triangle that's going on here
I'll join...
I wanna isekai there and bang TJ in the ass, sheesh he could be a bottom anyway
Oh Lord.