I love litc but am I the only one that feels confused every time a new chapter comes out? it could just because the updates are slow but I feel like even if they were faster i’d still feel the same. I think it’s because their bringing up things that are from earlier chapters and suddenly making it important. Because that fight that the teacher is going on about was in the earlier chapters but all of a sudden now it’s relevant? why?? they couldn’t had solved that plot line earlier? it just makes things confusing because who would remember things from the earlier chapters especially when we’re on chapter 120 and they don’t seem that important. I’ve even reread it from the start to now and i’m never confused when I reread it but then as soon as it updates all of a sudden i’m like “what the fuck are they going about”
I kind of get it but also what?? she’s acting like they have good/present parents themselves if I remember right didn't mr kwon’s mum die and ho is a orphan.. I might be wrong but that’s what I remember. So by her logic even before they started dating they would of KNOWN what it’s like to be different and yes being different can lead to loneliness but they knew that when they decided to get into a relationship. Being different is hard but at the end of the day when you’re different from others you’re also being yourself and being yourself is the one of the best things you can do. Like to me this is equivalent to if someone found out she’s from a neglectful family and that she lives with her grandma so they try to take her away from her grandma who gives her happiness because they know what it’s like to be different and not fit into society. See how fucked up that is??? If you know what it’s like why would you do that? you are being like the people that treat you weirdly by doing that?? i’m genuinely trying to understand her but I just can’t
I read this ages ago and decided to read it got up to the chapter with the sister AND WHY DID THE AUTHOR ADD INCEST… LIKE I GENUINELY DON’T REMEMBER THIS THE FIRST TIME READING IT?? so gross I thought she was a lesbian/bisexual or something because of what she said about being the same when her brother said he likes mc but no… she’s a freak
oh my god I was NOT expecting that last panel at all also I hope the author is okay
dang what kind of tests are these how tf are they meant to determine if you’re are a good person or not ☠☠ ESPECIALLY THE LAST TEST? like the first one… ok yeah second one eh BUT THE TROLLEY ONE?? there’s literally no good option there
Why are people saying the sister is overreacting shirayuki is literally being a freaky weirdo like don’t get me wrong i love him but keeping haruki’s hair and cutting his hand for him IS WILD and if my siblings were hanging out with someone like that i’d be also be like “what the hell my sibling should stay away” Also if shirayuki ends up killing his sister i’m actually going to be pissed off but that seems out of character for him so I don’t think he will
So glad I read the comments because at first I didn’t realise they were both adults and thought he was a 16 year old because I read it wrong but no it’s just a 16 year age gap anyway the art style is cute and it looks like it will be good
Looking at the comments jaehyuk gets character development but i’m on chapter 31 and I actually can’t deal with this man anymore. Why did the author make such a hate-able character. I can enjoy a story where the mc/ml gets character development and actually changes but were 30 chapters in and I feel like he hasn’t changed at all this guy is just straight up homophobic and also a rapist. It made me sick to my stomach when he started having sex with garam WHILE HES UNCONSCIOUS. that was my last straw because what??? not to mention that even before this he was pressuring garam into having sex when he clearly said no (that’s rape guys that’s rape) he’s also just childish and immature. I genuinely don’t understand why rape has to be so normalised in bls you can make a good story without including that stuff
this ending is so STUPID AND RUSHED oh my godd ain’t no way “hehe i like you” “omg me to” “let’s get married” HOW TF CAN U KUST LEAVE IT AT THAT
haruki saying “just when I finally felt happy” o hmy god i’m literally crying
this story is so crazy and messy like oh my goshh my jaw just kept dropping