Ray answered question about question
I will always say therapy is a good thing and you should go if you want to heal. The reason you may think therapy won’t work is because you don’t want to get better It’s normal to feel angry about what happened to you or is still happening to you but the hardest thing I had to learn is that just because my life is shitty doesn’t give me t......
Ray answered question about question
i’ve never read it and i’m not a hater BECAUSE i’ve never read it so I don’t really have a opinion but like.. people have valid reasons to dislike it? if you like it than whatever i guess but is it not just filled with rape? that can be a triggering topic and a lot of people just do not like that which is fine and reasonable. People are all......
Ray created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

yeonwoos avatar on little forest is way cuter omh

Ray created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

oh my god these damn angels are PISSING ME OFF like what the fuck

Ray answered question about question
I barely get dislikes but i don’t know this is apparently one of my ‘hottest’ comments
Ray created a topic of Scammed and Rammed


Ray answered question about question
i work three jobs but two of them I have more freedom with days and times so it’s doable the first one I work in customer service from 9am-4pm I have Wednesday’s and the weekends off though. Then I work at a factory where I do painting and my last job is house cleaning so i’m pretty busy i’m no contact with my family and I don’t have fr......
Ray answered question about question
even if they look and act like a guy they are still a girl??
Ray answered question about question
steak no matter how well it’s done it’s just so… chewy? AND I HATE IT also it tastes like literally nothing to me and the fat parts make me gag it’s disgusting
Ray created a topic of One room TA

he couldn’t had just GOOGLED it omg

Ray created a topic of Half of Me
Ray created a topic of Dreadful Night

what is going on I might be slow but this is confusing

Ray created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

everytime I see that rapists ugly ass face I feel like throwing up can we just kill this guy off already?


Ray answered question about question
I was bald (it was a buzz cut so i still had some hair) in 2017 and bro I actually looked so ugly like being bald didn’t suit me at all some people suit it but not me and i’d never go bald again. but ykw I love all my baldies
Ray answered question about question
pink, black and blue
Ray answered question about question
Ray answered question about question
this is no hate to you I can understand where you’re coming from as someone that’s mentally ill I also used to think behaviour similar to this was normal. That isn’t love and it isn’t healthy either. Please if you can get therapy or some medical help you should. While almost everyone wants to protect the people they love from harm. The way ......
Ray answered question about make a picrew
me as a spiderman I edited the first photo a bit but it’s not noticeable or anything

dang how the hell does the author come up with this weird shit for the revenge like genuinely who tf even thinks of the idea to put alcohol up a rapists butt