Ray answered question about question
I had two dogs one of my dog died in october last year I tried everything I could to save him but he had a massive mass near his spleen and as soon as I arrived to the vet he died I felt like a piece of my heart had literally been torn apart I still cry thinking about him that dog was my life I genuinely had so many suicidal thoughts after his deat......
Ray answered question about question
murder can never be a mistake. Manslaughter can be a mistake but they are not the same thing! and you can say rape but I think it comes from a sense of they want their son to be innocent even if it’s blankly obvious ur son isn’t. a lot of mothers don’t want to see that their son did something wrong. I don’t know if you’ve heard of thi......
Ray created a topic of Pizza and Dough

please tell me that’s a candy ring because if it’s not that’s the most ugliest ring i’ve ever seen in my life holy crap

Ray answered question about question
no I don’t and i’ve never used a vpn in my life to be honest
Ray answered question about question
because people hate things they can’t understand and hate things that are different. The only reason you see so much hate for trans people on here is because there’s no moderation but there is hate in every site/website. Look at twitter for example so much hatred towards trans people because people can say whatever they want but if you go to ti......
Ray answered question about question
yeah i’ve been in love a bunch and i’ve dated some people as well I have like 6 exes. I’m actually currently in a relationship. If i’m being honest I am NOT the best person to go to for love advice a lot of my relationships were very short but I will say if you love them just take your shot and confess. It’s better to just try and see wha......
Ray created a topic of No Returns After Use

Jaehee is not dumb. He just has no respect for himself that’s his problem he does stupid shit because he doesn’t care about what happens to him. When you have no regard for yourself you end up in bad situations and you can appear dumb for even putting yourself in that situation in the first place but it’s a form of self harm. No matter how much the author is trying to portray him as “dumb” and “weak” all I see is a guy self destructing. I don’t think the author will ever go into this because this is meant to be just a dark comedy or lighthearted even though it has hard topics in it.

Ray answered question about first kiss
well surprisingly despite how shitty both of them are neither of them are super homophobic/transphobic I never really got my dads opinion on gay/trans people it’s not something that ever came up as for my mum she would make remarks about trans/gay people from time to time that were negative but she wasn’t the type to disown her children if they......
Ray created a topic of Kill Me If You Can

now was the last part necessary i’m laugjing

thanks for the higher quality translations I did think this was a new chapter and was VERY confused I was like “I swore I read this already” they aren’t the right chapter numbers but regardless thank you to the translator/uploader

Ray answered question about become happy again
I have read some weird/bad stuff but this is a recent one I regret reading it so bad. it’s literally just rape but one’s a prostitute and the other is on drugs and hallucinating that the prostitute is his father. I wish I was joking.
Ray answered question about question
if someone is self harming themselves they probably are actually depressed/mentally ill and don’t find being depressed cool. If they are doing it for attention or because it’s cool I still think that’s concerning no one mentally stable would self harm themselves because it’s cool. The guy rejecting them could be deeper than it seems to you.......
Ray answered question about become happy again
pretty sure I found a bl on webtoon and then I slowly just started reading more until I found out about this site but I’m not sure I don’t remember that well
Ray created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

talking about how dry he is and he’s sending “wya” each time LMAOO

Ray answered question about question
happy new year! my year has actually been great so far on news year eve i went out I saw fireworks and got drunk it was fun. I recently got back in contact with a friend so I hanged out with him. He ended up sleeping at my house on news year day though I was sleeping for most of the day I woke up at like 2pm I think
Ray answered question about question
LMAOO ok I have so many real life stories just for context I was NOT sober in the first two me and my friend were hanging outside we planned this before it actually happened because we were bored we go up to this random group of friends it was like 4 girls and we pretended to be a couple. We were just talking to them you know making small talk al......
Ray answered question about question
I don’t believe anything happens after death and that brings me peace but it’s not something we’ll ever know. You can ask yourself “what happens after death” but no one truly knows the answer we all just have our own different ideas of what happens afterwards. None of which are right or wrong

hold on did this man really just catch a hot coffee that was flying in the air with his feet LMAO???

Ray created a topic of One room TA

pls i love this guy he’s so funny omg

Ray answered question about question
i have a list of everyone i’ve been compared to before the most crazy one to me is turkish quandale dingle? because what?