Ray answered question about long distant relationship
no ur not a pedophile because he lied about his age but if you continue to be in this relationship despite literally knowing he’s 14 yeah ur a pedo. I don’t know why you’d want to continue being in a relationship with someone that lied about their age anyway. He lied about his age how can you know he didn’t lie about other things too?
Ray created a topic of Lying Puppies Get Eaten

am i crazy but i kinda like the idea of the mermaid and the dog guy being together even though i know it won’t happen

Ray answered question about question
i wants kids so bad oh my god kids are just the cutest ever i just want to squish them i have such bad baby fever i want two kids.
Ray answered question about your opinions
god no i’m hot asf but i am the worst person to date. I annoy myself sometimes. Two me’s dating me??? it would be chaos
Ray answered question about your opinions
i think if i were a guy i wouldn’t dye my hair at all
Ray answered question about your opinions
i tried to make it look like me as best as possible but i feel like it doesn’t
Ray answered question about question
no your a legal adult and it’s only a 2 year age difference it’s not a bad age gap at all. Once you are 18 you can date whoever you want. I would only get concerned if a 18 year old was dating someone older then 25 because of the maturity difference and I still view 18 year olds as teenagers
Ray asked question about question

I had a boyfriend and I just found out he was cheating on me like a hour ago. I found out because a random girl messaged me saying that he told her he likes her, that he was going to break up with me (he never did) and that I was toxic. I am so fucking mad I threw all my shit in my house. He was there when I was throwing stuff I started saying I h......

Ray asked a question

recommend me a bl manhwa/manga that’s funny like scammed and rammed or punch drunk love i’ve been reading to much serious shit lately

Ray answered question about question
i’m actually neurodivergent and diagnosed with a shit ton of stuff. Personally it really depends on if you want to or not. I feel like it’s no one’s business besides yours. I don’t know how these people are related to you but if they are not friends or anything it is ESPECIALLY none of their business. I don’t tell strangers or people I wo......
Ray answered question about question
yes lmao it’s currently 6am where i live i have insomnia oh gosh this reminded me I need to sleep because I actually have work today
Ray answered question about question
i’m going to be honest here the only two things keeping me going in this life is 1. my boyfriend and 2. my dog if one of them were to die I think I would die to I wouldn’t be able to live without either of them

i hate this chapter so bad. Because what the fuck? If he starts having a attraction to his sister i’m killing myself why is incest so normalised

Ray answered question about question
Ray answered question about question
no cause it actually makes me sad and you can normally tell when someone is a kid or not on this website. Please don’t give ur kid internet access without at least moderating it!! I don’t think porn should be allowed even for adults. By this I am talking about porn involving real people by the way because the porn industry is horrible and altho......
Ray created a topic of Kakine to Keidai

This was lowkey confusing to me bc the timeline is so weird like it had me confused on what was apart of the hypnosis and what wasn’t.

Ray created a topic of My Guildmate Next Door

nah reading this made me pissed off for him even tho it’s fictional I would be so mad if I lost all of my items in a game cause of a glitch/bug

Ray answered question about question
1. people who can’t no for a answer like shut up no i don’t want to go out leave me alone I said no 2. anyone that leaves me on read OH MY GOD JM GOING TO STRANGLE YOU like literally just tell me if you don’t want to talk or are drained why are you just ignoring me and making me overthink 3. overly competitive people calm down not everythin......
Ray created a topic of The Superheroes of Class F

genuinely who decides these powers are bad or f class because turning back time even just 1 minute is such a good power what