Wait so is it just an ending where it’s kinda just going to loop and they’ll never really end up together? (Not that I think they should, everyone needs a therapist ) I mean the story was really good I’m just a little confused on the ending but it’s probably just me

my interpretation is that they will eventually. we can theorize they will become something more than friends, but ml would maybe mess up again bc mc is more receptive too his lies and still traumatized, and the cycle will start again with a different tactics. (altho realistically, 2-3 is prob the limit before mc just completely cut ml off but who knows) idk how may cycles it would take, but ml would def not stop until mc likes/pities him enough to go out with him, but i doubt mc could ever love or trust him wholeheartedly.
Bro where tf do all these random freaky ass dungeon devices keep coming from literally appearing out of nowhere
RIGHT like i understand this guy is made of money but also BRO is dropping 10k on toys