cbi September 16, 2023 6:44 am

I'm sorry Cain was short for CANIS LUPUS?? CANIS FUCKING LUPUS????????? His parents really bright him into the world only to name him canis lupus

cbi September 13, 2023 11:49 pm

Ugly crying sobbing seonwoo's parents are so healing

cbi August 19, 2023 9:28 pm

Oh my goooddddd this was so good can't wait for the next season!!! Wheen he pissed himself!!!! When he sees all the other people in the room!!!!! Delicious suffering /chefs kiss

cbi August 5, 2023 11:57 am

Mujin is the hottest but what would be even hotter is for the author to subvert the trope and have MC top all of these yoked obsessive top types please

cbi August 5, 2023 11:51 am

Honestly I hope Jaekyung only gets more toxic and mean after catching feelings lmaaaoooo this is such a train wreck and I'm so here for it just please don't get boring Dan is so stupid and a total pushover but at least he's getting some of the best dick BL has to offer

    VOX?! August 5, 2023 1:08 pm

    MORE toxic? At that point, Dan would die . I'm just hoping the damn toxic shit tones down honestly.

    cbi August 5, 2023 10:15 pm
    MORE toxic? At that point, Dan would die . I'm just hoping the damn toxic shit tones down honestly. VOX?!

    LOLLL maybe but I believe in the power of Dan's hole sending a prayer out for his guts though. I just get a huge kick out of shamelessly obsessive/toxic tops, they're the best

    VOX?! August 8, 2023 12:42 pm

    Ehhh.. yeaahh..

cbi July 23, 2021 4:54 pm

I love this so much I read this as it was being released and now I'm back for a reread. The pacing and characters are both so good, and the angst is excruciating in the best way. I was very happy with the ending the first time I read it - it wasn't so much as who Haesoo ends up with, as it is an ending that fits the story. I think this second time, Taekyungs ending was more painful for me. I really adore his character. He's bold and playful and a little scheming. Iloved how steady he was until he got in too deep and it suddenly wasn't amusing for him anymore. Haesoo is probably the most beautiful mc I've ever seen in a manhua, the art is gorgeous. The older I get the more I appreciate the sentiment and pain of refusing to define and face something for the fear it will end. I remembered their ages differently, I thought Taekyung was much younger and Haesoo and Joowon much older, but I actually like that they're all quite close in age and so young. I like how they each fumbled clumsily toward emotional literacy in different ways. Aaaah I have to make myself stop or I'll keep going. I love them dearly 10/10

cbi July 21, 2021 2:18 pm

60 chapters and cain still has no character development beyond being a dog, fellas I don't think he's endgame

cbi July 21, 2021 1:03 am


cbi July 15, 2021 11:52 am

Why am I still here....

    Kekka July 15, 2021 12:08 pm

    Just to suffer

    cbi July 15, 2021 4:25 pm

    look at us, a bunch of masochists

cbi July 15, 2021 4:17 am

This is really interesting and I like the ambiguity of what is generated by the wish and what is developing naturally, but the most annoying thing is how the characters chronically cannot let each other speak. Like the amount of times Henry alone cuts someone off in the middle of a sentence, I can't. These characters literally argue and interrupt each other every time they talk, I'm surprised if they can complete a single conversation.

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