So hello Mangago crowd I really hate to basically be seeking validation but idk I need to hear other views from various ages. So when I was 22 Death Note 2019 came out and I didn’t even read it I just saw the cover and posted on my social media that the dude was hot and HOLY FUCK the entire internet was after me and calling me a pedophile and shit coz apparently he was a minor who was 17 max, 15 min, which I did not know. So yeah I felt like shit and me not knowing and me being asexual and not meaning it sexually wasn’t a defense.
So basically I just feel weird reading stuff with younger characters now, especially since I’m nearing 30. I kinda tell myself “well they’re young but they’re adults” but I still feel like such a creep. Then I’m reading Boy Girlfriend and the scenes are hot though it’s sensual for me and not sexual since I can’t stand the sight of “parts” but yeah making out and stuff, yeah, go off. But then the character says he’s TURNING eighteen and someone now I feel like a pedo again and I just feel so bad and basically how do you older folks feel about reading stuff with younger MCs? Ik it’s fiction and it’s not like, shotacon or whatever, and yeah ik the age of consent differs from place to place but my brain just is like yelling at me “FEEL SHAAAAAAAME” so yes tyvm I’d appreciate feedback of both younger peeps around that age and for peeps my age I’m sorry to vent here.
fiction and reality. Some people can’t tell the difference so don’t be affected by these type of people. These are the people who will scream proshipper proshipper proshipper all over twitter while enjoying the said proshipper work in secret. It’s fiction, not a big deal.
If u feel shame reading about younger characters/age gaps, just remember there are people who read worst ( me, for example, have read a lot of dead doves ( ex, huge age gaps (talking about 17-40), corpse fucking, and a lot more) but do I bring it into real life? No and if someone does what I read irl, it’s fucking disgusting too). So, as long as u can differentiate fiction and reality, it’s rlly nothing.
Just make sure u find a community who share a similar thought w u because the rest part will scream proshipper proshipper proshipper.
18 here, you're fine. Personally I separate fiction and reality because I don't bring my fictional preferences into reality. Know that there are worse people than you who actively seek children-looking characters who are canonically 100+ years old. It's not the age, it's the mentality. Enjoy your fiction how you'd like to enjoy it and keep away from the internet <3 too many sensitive people on there
I’m in mid 20s and also ace. I just don’t care since they ain’t real and it’s practically inevitable that you’ll out-age these characters. Idk since I don’t have those feelings of shame, to me it’s just a story. And it’s not like you’re attracted to it or anything since you’re ace so I think you’re fine reading it.
Also about this… it’s rlly about finding ur community that shares ur thought. I had this friend who was a big account on twitter and they also mostly post proshipper stuff, i.e, age gaps, incest, and a lot more but nobody give them any shits bc people mostly are used to what they post & also read the same stuff + shared the same thought ( fiction ≠ reality, people who take fiction as reality are the real freaks ).
ML is literally the spitting image of the archduke it’s so obvious lol