i understand why people say the topic wasn't handled that well.. but it's also the best i've seen in a manhwa yet, like some of the characters were being transphobic but it didn't feel like the author themselves were ?
Yeah as weird as it sounds that was a pretty realistic situation/conversation/wording for a real situation (idk what word I wanted to use)
And as you said by the end it didn’t feel like the author was trying to paint a „negative“ picture about trans people but the other way around if so tbh. It’s nice to paint the picture of a perfect world in a novel but it’s just not what the reality looks like.
personally i don't think i'd date someone that made me put a dildo in a siblings ass but whatever floats your boat ig
Same thoughts. If I'm that sibling that got violated like that, I wouldn't talk to my sibling ever again and his fuck buddy. Like that really crossed the line. He's not even sorry coz all the violated sibling got was a teeny sorry.
fr thats ust so messed up i had to skip it
THANK you!! likkk
Nah fr. I was nauseous