Can't wait for the animated fights.

Takano san created a topic of Kaiju No. 8

Can't wait to see this animated. It's so good!

Takano san created a topic of Jujutsu Kaisen

And was somehow healing but no it's a curse tool! At least Megumi is still only asleep and hopefully can awaken to defeat Sukuna from the inside.
Gege def knows that everyone still not over Gojo and makes sure to keep reminding us every damn chapter! I won't speculate on Choso- don't want to jinx him.
Can't wait to see those fights animated!

Takano san created a topic of 19 Days
Takano san created a topic of Kimi to Natsu no Naka

Comments say another volume coming soon. Hope it gets uploaded. Thank you in advance!

Takano san created a topic of Semantic Error

Dude just confessed his feelings during his monologue which feels more organic and real.

Takano san created a topic of Sekaiichi Hatsukoi

Didn’t expect to see this story updated for a while! Still very much like my OG couple! Ritsu still his overthinking, overwrought, and flustered self - Takano still as competent and trying to play it cool though he’s a mess inside and still heads over heels in love with Ritsu. Also like the other couples and their growth.

This place is not that well built, he should have heard sounds, hell no one gets shot without screaming out. That one dude was shot twice! Why would he open the bloody door? Why are they still bleeding out and not call out for help until other mc came? So many questions…

Takano san created a topic of Steel Under Silk

Bet he knows perfectly well that slave boy will look at the paper and try to plot something with the next powerful clan member then all he has to do is make an example of him and the rest of the clan will fall in line!
Governor thinks well with his other head too!

Takano san created a topic of Kuroshitsuji

Not what I thought was going to happen! Why? It happened so fast. Ugh!

Takano san created a topic of Leo

I meant to wait until completed to read but once a new chapter come out, it’s impossible not to click and read.

Takano san created a topic of Leo

This work is beautiful. Scrolled slowly to try to make the chapter longer.

Takano san created a topic of Day Off

Well titled chapter. A few pictures showing a strong sense of domesticity and happiness for this family. Well done! Both couples are lovely.

The note is from 2018 so I hope the author is fine and all is well.

WTH did he think he’s been doing to Weijin all this time, if not torture?! Ugh. They’re truly going through darkness hope the dawn comes quickly for them but it’ll take a lifetime to get past all weijin has gone through.

Takano san created a topic of Steel Under Silk

He is a lover boy whose sole purpose is to be available at anytime that the governor wishes to satisfy his sexual appetite and that guy is voracious. It’s already straining belief that he gets such freedom. Let’s not forget the governor is very much aware of his dastardly actions towards lover boy’s family and as we’ve seen he is very adept at handling ploys against him or the king.
Genuinely want to see how author handles this story of revenge and romance.

Takano san created a topic of Black or White

Another volume in the works! Can’t wait to find out how it will play out that the manager is i on it too. Shige will never forgive anyone who tries to hurt Shin. It’s good to see that Shin is equally obsessed with Shige and will go to great lengths to protect him.
Author really knows how to write love stories about OTP.

Takano san created a topic of Old-fashioned Cupcake

Uploader made my day! Thank you! Those chapters are so lovely and the art is gorgeous, the characters are portrayed as realistically as artistically possible. Love Nozue and Togawa and their love story. Well done Sangan san!

Takano san created a topic of Kuroshitsuji

So far, he’s seen what this orphanage is doing to children and Doll is not only ok with it but an active recipient and admitted monster. ‘Don’t go with Doll’ says Emily. The snakes won’t let him make the wrong choice.

Takano san created a topic of Madara Moyou no Yoi

Great 1st chapter. Knew that lady was sus ( the worst feeling when you thought finally someone s in my corner to find out they’re a bigger than what you were running away from. Hope it updates till completed.