His arc felt a bit shallow and overwrougth- had way too many plot holes and scenarios that lack credibility.
Kaede's arc had some gems- let's see if third boy's arc will be a good one.
Thank you for uploading! Leo, my man, I get your feelings perfectly. He truly shouldn't have ghosted you like that. Ngl, it would be really hard to trust them again. Looks like only 1 more chapter till it ends- not enough to flesh out Shi chan chara growth.
Couldn't even get a prolong battle going? Was looking forward to all the awesome moves from Akutagawa. Author showed such disrespect towards one of the most effective and ruthless character. Such a waste! Why revive my baby just to kill him like that? Ughhhh
Didn't expect girlie to be so bold! Whaaa? From being all clumsy to shameless hussy, what a giant leap! How do you recover from such foolishness? Unbearably cringy.
I have no doubt Manabu can deal with this. Ughhh
Dislike this type of people who pulls prank like this- why couldn't he just share his admiration for Leo's dancing without all this useless drama? Why make my boy Alex stressed even if it's for a short time?
Ugh! Why did he end up in jail for? That's so messed up, he helped her so much - none of the people who actively harmed her got punished starting with the horrible excuse for a mother.
This ending left a bad taste fr.
That was sad and awful to read but understandable how he carried all of that pain and guilt deep down.
This arc is so long. Defeat that thing already! Why do authors like to drag these fights with op villains that no one can seemingly defeat ( after introducing really op characters that can defeat gods but not whatever they're fighting!) same with jjk & bds.
Yes!!! The way I shouted when I saw my baby Akutagawa- hell yes! Kekekeke.
Litterally save this cringe fest that is weretiger groveling on ground after letting his bloody guard down.
Watched 1st episode and the art style & direction are not good. Ugh, hoped it would get same animation as Demon Slayer level but it's truly disappointing. Will see if it improves in the next couple of eps otherwise, will stick with manga. This story is so good!
The story started implausibly funny, energetic with lots of lovable characters and throughout the theme was always about friendship and collaboration. All the fights and different skills and aptitudes displayed led us readers to expect the same type of op mc overcoming all storytelling that we're used to reading thus loosing sight about the original premise. Ending kept to the theme very well.
Patience est une vertue. Will wait patiently for this story to return. Such a visual and storytelling pleasure!
The chapters are not flowing very well. The conversations are not really providing any real explanations nor make sense to me at all. Feels like a lot is skipped- since when angel girl had time to interact with megumi, he was absent for so long. idka.
No real idea what is going on anymore- explanation is not explaining. Memo to self: maybe reread if ending turns out good?
Yep. Totally believable that governor wants to punish with more of the same old same old. Plot is a joke fr.
Would love to hear the music, hope this gets an anime. It's really good. Liked to hear the shamizen oni from demon slayer whenever the infinite castle is featured.