Deserves so much better!
Don't be with someone who can't celebrate you/with you cause they don't see you.
The music industry is a very tough business to make it more so than being an office worker cause in a blink of an eye it can disappear - fickle fans, jealous musicians, one bad record, malicious rumors etc. Just think of all the musicians that flamed out and haven't been able to make it back!
Imagine if Issei was a girl and Nacchan went off like that, everyone would be flipping.

Where's Akutagawa? When is he going to enter the fray? With Bram and his ability combined, he can do a lot of damage.
Interesting that this op chara could only slice one at a time. Hope it doesn't drag as long as before when no one could take down that old guy- hated that arc so much.
Wouldn't trust Dostoevsky at all- he created the dude after all.

Not understanding why author adds this weird sexuality in this story: It serves no purpose besides making readers complicit since the story is good and as readers must know how the story will end therefore continue to read despite objecting/averting from spurious content.
Yeah, this takes place in a fantastical world but everytime author adds that element, it's like a needle scratch that takes you out of the story world.
Why isn't a good editor shut that shit down already!
Beautiful art! The line work is gorgeous! The story is so interesting and well written- none of the bl tropes/cliches. Truly enjoyable how author weaves lore into a fresh story.