look at them holding hands
the sudden extremely 3D looking penis gave me whiplash
Off topic but whiplash by aespa
whip whiplash
ho boyyyy that's dangerous as hell
dang cant they catch a break
is it a good time to start reading this now or should i still waitttt
no better time than now to start this all the misunderstandings have cleared up and the fluffy side stores have begun so go ahead
thanks for the reply!!!! hehhehe
no problem!
bro with the bad posture, walking into the rift
LMAOO That’s why the S in his rank stands for his “Shrimp” ass posture TT
omg LMAO SO TRUE, shrimp ass
ily tax fraud
lmao everyone not holding back with the comments loser boy, baby girl, autistic, adorable virgin, and the list goes on
ceasars just insecure tbh poor guy
More like a manipulator
Poor guy?? he shot and raped MC like a week straight. Bitch is drowning in the pool he filled up??
But but buuuuuut he is HOT!!( ̄∇ ̄")
Ts so idiotic that it left me speech
I was jk lol .....but really.. he is super hot ngl
He's wayyy too fine to be acting like that
Honestly I can relate, I excused so many villains because they were hot I'm just gonna see myself out
im joking.... hes obviously deranged hahahhahaha
look at them holding hands