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Whatev_r8 created a topic of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun

I always knew that when someone in manga change their usual hairstyle, they bound to make difference in their appearance. But, but! In Eggy-sensei's case, it was on a whole new level.

He just let his bang down and suddenly he looked so soft in my eyes and sooooo huggable that I spent minutes to stare at that thankfully big panel.

Tbh, I always thought Eggy-sensei might be older than he is supposed tb since well, he looked older with that ever-present scowl, even after learning the days with Balam-sensei and Opera-senpai (but in the end, I still fell for him!) so I kinda need to double check if he was the "little" brother since his older brother looked younger than him.

Then this chapter enlightened me. Thank you for the eye candy! :3

Also, I am glad the convo ended well (ngl, I kinda nervous when he threw that question!), cannot wait for the beach surprise!