Both Heejae and Sunyool are terrible choices for Jisuh.
1) We already know Heejae is manipulative and it was pretty random how all of a sudden he wants to be in a relationship for once and actually care for somebody elses feelings other than his own. He's super quick to make big life changes to get Jisuh closer to him but he has a MAJOR insecurity complex about assuming anyone close to him will leave him.
2) Jisuh also still has some issues with his ex, who's most likely abusive and likes to pop up and shake him up and doubt himself.
3) Sunyool is sweet and adorable but terribly clingy to the point where it hindered Jisuh. Pretty sure Jisuh just felt like he was taking care of a kid/puppy and with Jisuh's calm/mature personality he sorta indicated by his demeanor with Sunyool that it was getting tiring.
REALISTICALLY: Jisuh should stop persuing them both and find somebody else because 2 emotionally unstable and insecure people in a relationship is EXTREMELY unhealthy. Especially when one of them has a history of being a manipulative b*tch. (Heejae & Jisuh)
AND Jisuh has made it clear he wants a real MAN in his life that understands the meaning of the word "NO". (Sunyool & Jisuh)

I totally agree with you.

What i'm getting from this asshats backstory is that he started to like Yohan because of the really nice caring guy that he is, and when he saw that his advances were rejected, he felt stupid, embarrased and angry that he mistook Yohans actions towards him as something special.
Then he decided to go from 0 to 1,000,000 and cause some motherfucking castastrophe that made my baby go deaf. (Like how tf are you capable of making someone lose one of their senses????)

Like, it's obvious that he doesn't feel not even one bit remorsefull about what he did. And now all he believes he can do with his sad and pathetic life is make anyone's, who gets close to Yohan, Lives a living hell so that he can manipulate them to leave Yohan so that he'll be alone and noone can have him. That saying:
"If i cant have them, no one will."
~~~~~~~END THEORY ~~~~~~

It's actually possible to lose one of your senses
Due to trama lol it's a weird thing but it does happen, it's a mechanism that the brain does in order to protect the mind in response to an event of extreme emotion, but it's not permanent, but it can be.

Like they didn't even kiss but that hug was like a silent acceptance of the feeling they have for each other.
And goddamn this fucking manga is long as shit with so many updates and theres so much plot that still needs to be developed and its already been like 3yrs, i'm getting so much fucking angst man.
( ̄∇ ̄")

Like, your main complaint about wanting to see Lune be the uke is only because you think he'd be "cuter" and he was once a female, like, stfu. Do you really think that bottoms/tops are supposed to be determined by a persons physical attributes and even worse for you to think it they should resemble a females??? Wtf are you even here??? It goes beyond fetishing, regardless of said opinions, somethings you've just got to keep to yourselves.
I hope theres some more surprise chapters of this series (Though i kinda doubt it).
If there are i hope they stay focused on the main characters because this is SUCH a good pairing.