Honestly I never expected to like this as much as I do but man this is getting intense. Like I can see where Taemin is going to go from here but it's just so sad to see him living just until he gets his revenge. It's heart breaking that he only wants to live to get revenge then he totally wants to off himself. As can be seen when he was filming the suicide scene, he's totally pictured that moment over and over so he was ready which is why he filmed it so well. I can totally see Taemin trying to end everything and Executive director getting crazy after seeing him try to off himself. He even said that the only thing Taemin could do to betray him is run away after his revenge, and we all know instinctively that Taemin is most likely gonna try to off himself when done. It's why he doesn't cherish himself or care.
Just please I want them to be happy. I'm pretty sure we're going to get a showdown of executive director getting crazy mad when he finds out about Taemin trying to end everything when done. I can see WHY he's always trying to have sex with him; sure he loves Taemin and everything regarding their past but what other way to make someone feel alive? Sexual pleasure to try to tie him to reality and life. It wouldn't surprise me if he goes insane and tries to snap Taemin out of it by having sex with him. Executive director already is suspicious about Taemin's motivation for revenge so I just hope he can snap Teamin out of it.
Side note I LOVE possessive director. Man is insane but I love the tension. ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

OMGG like in the next few chapters after they've AHEM, done the deed, Taemin admits being hesitant and almost starts to change his mind after being RAVISHED multiple times by executive director yoon. he's being swayed from the decision of offing himself all because of wacko AND I AM FERAL OVER IT RAWRRRR

is this from the novel? I haven't read it but if this happens then damn that would be interesting. But I seriously think Taemin needs a reason to live to tie him to the desire to keep on living so I wouldn't be surprised if the director does that to keep him living. BUT YES I WANT TO SEE THEM DO THE DEED!~ ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

yes it isss and when wacko explained why, GOSH I WAS IN TEARS like where tf can i get me a wacko as devoted to his cause like that??
bonus, they just go all domestic bliss the chapters after that and i just ლ(´ڡ`ლ). there's also hilarity that ensues (e.g. just wacko testing taemin and taemin being his usual adorable dum dum self that wacko srsly loves, and wacko just laughing so much and so often at him is just life-giving)

you can read it on this link but the translation did get dropped just recently because of the translator getting a DMCA notice unfortunately. also if you want to start from where the manhwa let off on, it'll be on chapter 56 on the novel! https://chrysanthemumgarden.com/novel-tl/pb/pb-1/

After sticking with this manga for years and loving it and seeing it change over the years, I have noticed the artstyle and how it has developed and changed. Looking back to the very first chapter, I noticed a dramatic change in the way Aki is drawn. At first he looks really detailed and the artstyle seemed more beautiful and intricate, but looking at the recent chapters, especially chapter 78, you can see how much Aki looks different and, in my opinion, more cartooney? Idk but he has a weird cartoon vibe about him that I can't explain.
If you put the panels side by side you can see what I'm talking about, but essentially Aki looks less detailed, especially with his hair and the details in his face. His hair is shorter and less sketchy (less coloured) than in the first couple of chapters. His eyes were more detailed and sharp and his face was a bit more oval and less round. It could just be me bitching here, but personally I really liked Aki's design before.
I understand that it takes a while to sketch, detail, fine tune, then put the toners onto each panel and chapter and that may be the reason for the sudden lack of toners and color to the characters, but I'm kinda sad to be honest. I really liked the 90s feel that this manga had back in the first couple of arcs. I understand that this was released in 2001 so I can understand how Amano is trying to improve her artwork and trying to change the style or try to fit in with "modern" artwork, but I'm kinda sad that some of the beauty in the artstyle (and even coloured pages and cover art) has changed so drastically.
Anyone else kinda sad? Do you guys think that the artstyle is better or worse? Do you guys like it or did you prefer the older artstyle?
Lets have an awesome discussion and I would love to hear your thoughts! (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

I think Asami's looks have just kept improving. His face is more refined. His nose is now the perfect size. He's one of the handsomest characters in this entire genre, but lately he is even more so.
I notiice his hair is a mess sometimes lately, and he still looks beautiful. YamenoAmanoeyYamane really does a beautiful job on him.

I agree with both top two comments. Also Fei Long looks amazing as well. Maybe it is because very often Akihito is comic relief lol I had been thinking the same thing though; you could see why Asami would find Akihito attractive in the beginning chapters but not so much now and Akihito is still my favourite character.

Yep comic relief but I liked the manga more when it had more serious and less comic situations than now. Anyway Asami and Fei look w-o-n-d-e-r-f-u-l so it's ok. (▰˘◡˘▰)

I liked the art style of the early work, .I agree with a lot of what you have said.She has played around with their body shapes and facial feat, a lot over the years. for example. Asami started out with more of a angular face , She has soften him a great deal.Perhaps she changed Takaba in response to equal them out in her mind. ?I don't know. Maybe the older way of drawing was to much work and to detailed and took to much time or she is trying to keep up with the changes in taste. There is a very" youth " type culture in Jpn also. where being seen as old is not good.She uses Takaba as the young one to attract readers?

Aki is used to promote the plot. Asami and FeiLong are the best combination to attract readers.

Aki to promote the fun take of the plot you could say. About attracting readers: sure Fei long and Asami are the best for that. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Maybe the softer face shapes are easier to show emotions when drawing.

I was Attracted to the manga for Aki and Asami equally. I don't really have any warmth for Fei but hes an ok character I guess.

I disagreed completely. Just look at the first chapter the old style was awful. Asmai wasn't sexy or hot and I have no clue why his lips were so weird and big. Aki looked too old because of all the over the top shading. I'm glad she is going with the times in terms of design and even the clothing of characters. They look so much better now (⌒▽⌒)

Personally I agree with a lot of the comments said about how Asami and Fie actually look better now and I totally agree with you guys about that. Asami now has softer features but I think that makes him look more handsome and I think that the art style for Asami and Fei Long is much better. But I still think that Aki suffered a bit because of it. Personally I like Aki's face before and I don't mind his new hairstyle, but from some odd reason I still prefer Aki's older style. In terms of other characters I think there was a major improvement, especially with Asami.
I will admit, I was sucked into this yaoi because of Asami, so the art change for Asami is just perfect ;) But I have to say, that Aki looked more fierce and stronger in the beginning (more free spirited because of his innocence and ignorance at the start of the manga). But I do have to admit, the difference in his EYES is better. His eyes are drawn more empty and hardened because of what he went through, but the rest of his design isn't resonating with me unfortunately. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

I was totally suckered in because of those two so I completely understand your suffering. ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
I have to admit that at first I wasn't a huge fan of Fei Long, but after a while he sort of grew on me. I like him a bit more with the recent chapters and his mature attitude about putting his feelings for Aki aside and letting Asami and Aki reunite.

Yeah that's what I was thinking, since I also noticed that most of the backgrounds are also getting more white and less detailed, since it takes time to draw and tone the backgrounds and there's a lot of panels to get through. It's time saving to draw them more simplistic so I see your point there (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜

I totally agree with you about the older artstyle. Don't get me wrong, some characters look better and they look more refined, but I think you said it correct when you mentioned how she's trying to be consistent with his art change. I personally think that she is trying to change her style to look more modern and less 90s style which she started with. And it takes time to draw all the details that we say in the first few chapters and with the monthly releases and how much time it takes to draw and but the toner's on for the chapters, I can see why her artstyle may have changed for convenience sake. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I totally agree with you there about preferring her older artstyle. I think she changed it to fit more of a modern artstyle that you mentioned rather than sticking with her 90s style that she started out with to fit with other manga. Don't get me wrong, some of the characters look better with the new art change and it adds to their character, but I prefer the old style for some reason. I think she changed all the characters to keep a consistent form of artstyle. And I think you're right about the time constraint. If you take a look at the older chapters, you can see that in the first few panels that the art was more detailed, especially with the backgrounds. But I think with monthly releases and taking the time to sketch and tone all the panels must be hard, so for time's sake the art style may have suffered or changed. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Aki's appearance at the beginning was more muscular and manlier, I miss that.

She does/ did very detailed background work .I wondered why would she make such background of a city scape? she treats such details like Asami ties as another part of the story. You see that opening drawing of that city your mind says Tokyo. She is leading you into the story That is a lot of hand and joint work doing than. I must say. There is more flow and movement and emotion (in all the faces) when she draws now.That battle scene with Fei was a beauty (looked like a dance).That would have been hard to do with Asami's older body it was too blocky to do that. LOL. I see why see changed them You can't change one w/o changing the other. We get + and - with everything You can't have Asami looking younger than Takaba or Takaba looking the same age as Asami. She will use the character to tell the story like a ink itself as an emotion. It tends to be a subtle thing and you the reader don't notice for ex. that picture of Asami as he waits for Takaba at the penthouse door on coming out of jail. It is that look on Asami's face and Takaba's responds. Very emotion filled .

Was there a This is HK panel with this Arc ? I can't remember.

That is one of the reasons that attracted me to this manga was Takaba and the fact the he did not look like all the others. He was manly.

Most mangaka hire assistants to do backgrounds and effects. She used to have two assistants. Maybe she can't afford them anymore.

All of the characters in this manga have proven to be strong enuff to carry a story line. Looks how she moves them around.She started with Takaba and Asami, moved to Asami and Fei back to Takaba and Asami. She can switch hit anytime. Now with some background about Sakzaki ,she can include him also. Very smart and appeal to a wide grp. of people.
My legs have never divorced faster for Jay(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ