UmaCatete created a topic of Can't Think Straight

The guy's totally out of control

People talking about grooming when she caught him in the porpouse of dethroning Michael. The the kid got feelings like any other boy would do. He just got too obsessed, like, he lived away from her for years and you guys know that he may have had a lot of opportunities to play with other women during the war, but he didn't


It's maddening how he can still have that boyish look on his face when he is a fucking killer

I can't even remember how long I've been reading this series (maybe even before she was knighted) and finally... it's finally here the conclusion... as a strong woman myself it's obvious that a happy ending, with she being recognized as she really is... that puts hope in my heart hope to be recognized and never silenced too. Congratulations, Pauliana, it was a pleasure to accompany your history.

UmaCatete created a topic of Forbidden Odd Melody

I don't wanna know how it started... get me to the action

UmaCatete created a topic of Jinx

I hope pink hair is not a psyco

UmaCatete created a topic of Do You Still Like Me?

Shit hit the fan