In all my years of reading manga, I don't think I've ever been so gobsmacked by the beauty of a character. This artstyle just elevates Lu Feng to a whole new level. I already knew he was good looking from the novel but I never thought it'd be to the point I actually have to stop and appreciate his face in every panel. Bro is too beautiful

So i havent read any webtoon/manga in a long long time but i just randomly wanted to scroll through mangago today...i cant believe its been 7 years since this was updated...how did time fly by so quickly.. i remember it was just yesterday when i would impatiently wait for new updates and be so hyped about reading it...it also reminds me of my life back when i was reading this..its 3am and now im suddenly getting nostalgic :') i should probably sleep but yeah
Y'all dont hate me for this but good lord the seme is UGLY those menacing expressions aren't helping
Tbh it's giving Yoon Seungho S1 vibes lmao
It's the eyes
That and the ugly face expression.. let's hope that the art style will change over time like it did in painter of the night lmao