so..r*pe and...pedophilia... and y’all.. enjoying this. bro that’s fucking weird
Its just a manga. Why take it so seriously? Geez (¬_¬)ノ don't need to start a argument. I got your point. Its weird that it is a rape and pedophile. But its not even a true story. If you gonna hate and criticize why even come hear and start this whole drama. Either way, I'm not looking for a fight. Just came to enjoy the story!
ily and all but you refuse to tell him what happened when it’s not your fault, and now you’re digging yourself a deeper hole bc u decided to suck his dick??? i understand he’s supposed to be soft and shit bc he’s an uke but he’s a grown adult and should at least have some sort of common sense??? this is so..... infuriating
I keep rereading this out of forgetfulness, and i asked myself "i hated this but why" AND THIS HUGE BALL OF RAGE KEPT FORMING AND GETTING BIGGER BY EACH CHAPTER JESUS CHRIST! first of all the uke acts like a controlling signifigant other, getting mad at the seme... Fucking his girlfriend?? Loving her, being in a relationship in general? He manipulates the seme by using a fake relationship to make sexual advances, he ruins his friend's perfectly good relationship by acting like he was fucking him.. And even in the end the seme wasn't really in love with him. Like he had no choice but to date him, because the uke left him no choice. Fucking DOUCHEBAG
bitch I AM SICK!! of it! alex repeatedly told this nigga “ i ain’t love u don’t catch feelings” AND THIS NIGGA, EVEN THOUGH HE KNOOOOOOOOWWW HE LOVE HIM HE AINT WANNA LEAVE and DISTANCE HIMSELF???? like yo, i felt bad for u but now you just willingly putting yourself in a toxic relationship. i’m so done with his ass. alex need to sort out his trauma and not be bombarded with this annoying nigga’s fuck ups. this on you if you get beat the fuck up. THIS DONT MEAN ALEX AINT A PIECE OF SHIT NIGGA! but i’m telling y’all he is completely justified for being pissed off lmaoaoao.
First of all why do you feel the need to use the n word? I don't care if it ends with an "a" or an "er", like don't do that...that's not cool and if you're trying to be's not. You sound extremely ignorant and downright foolish. Ugh, really?
Also, you can tell someone not to fall in love, that doesn't stop them from developing feelings. Also, this is more than so of not feeling valued more than DG making Jiwon have feelings for him.
I'm black too. It's no excuse to use that word, I don't care if you're purple. It's filled with hate so yes, I'm coming at you with that "shit". Grow up and use another word. You wouldn't want someone else to say that word to you of a different race. I was calling you foolish and ignorant because of that word, you're intelligent enough to use another word...also, they both are wrong and the cause of what's happening. Stop just putting it on DG. Leaving someone you care about it easier said than done.
boohoo u don’t speak for the entire race, also if u were educated enough you would know nigga and nigger can both be reclaimed by our race and used positively so hat negative and hateful use can be lessened. also! i already said alex ain’t shit either, but he has every right to be mad rn. come again
Majority of us do not use that word. Did you not read my initial comment? I know the difference between "a" and "er". It's still the same...negative. It soften nothing. You're part of the problem. Like I said, you wouldn't like it if someone of another race called you an n word either with an "a" or an "er". So, why use it? "Boohoo",--yeah you're childish. Always quick to say it's "our word" and "black community" and yet when someone seriously calls you an n word, you're quick to get upset. It's truly said that people like you have this mentality. That's why it's hard to get rid of racial slurs. Awful.
girl,, you’re not superior to me because our views on our racial slurs that again our race reclaimed. sis, it’s OUR race for a reason. not everyone’s. that doesn’t give other people a ticket to say it too. you’re not gonna change my opinion and i’m still going to use it. so let’s just agree to disagree, bc opinions differ and nobody’s opinion is solidly right.
Contrary to what you may believe, they are PLENTY of black people that don't use any form of the n word. Just because you hang around ignorant people don't mean what they do is correct. It's sad that you believe that this type of language is okay. See what's going on in the US today, same shit, different day. People like you take us back with the mentality that thinking it is okay to say the n word in any form.
Be the change you want to see in the world. No educated black individual thinks that’s a good word whether it is with an “a” or an “er”. It was not taken back. It’s still used negatively the majority of the time. Whatever, use it to keke whatever in your own time, by yourself (even though I don’t condone that either) but at least try not to use it publicly. It’s not a good look. You might not be as ignorant as you seem but don’t give people a reason to think that way. It makes us ALL look bad. Smh
They're just kinda like this, for a sanity check all of the black community around here uses it casually. I think some of these people might not be like natives of America and so they're a tad out of touch. One of them corrected me on my english before and another time for using the word bro passive aggressively lol. They said they weren't my bro as if i didnt know. I dont agree on alex tho, hes a little too manipulative and its DGs first love. I think of DG as about the maturity of an hs sophomore
Just the same as her, ignorant as hell until you're called the n word then you wanna cry about it. "Sensitve hoes", just as worst. Disgusting and probably 12 years old and never had someone call you the n word. Think about the people who died and lost their lives just to have people stop using it and treat us equally and you're agreeing with her. People stilll fighting today and you think it's funny? Wow...just wow
I'm gonna let the root explain it instead of me explaining it:
All I have to say is that the native thins is relevant because you dont seem to have consumed any form of black american media (music, comedy, movies etc)
I get it. Don't get upset. People think that racism only exist the US. Well, Brazil is actually worst. The 9 people that thought her comment was funny and feel the need to justify the usage of the n word in any form are lost causes. They won't change, they'll still use it. Should they? Absolutely not. They are ignorant to the fact of the hundreads of years that blacks were called the n word. Even if we took the word to "make it our own" doesn't turn thay into a positive. It still means the same...I don't use it. Have I've been called it? Yes, in both forms and it's not cool. People say it in songs and movies, but it still doesn't make it cool. Other words like the f word used against gay men, c would used agaist chinese and others don't get frequently used in a postive way and are known form being derogatory and offensive. But the n word is okay for some reason. It's not. Instead of the user apologizing to those she offended, she curses and continues to use it. Truly sad and immature. People find it sensitive to be offeneded by a racial slur, well...I'm guess we're sensitive. I guess I put too much faith in humanity. That one day people will have respect and integrity. Doesnt seem like it will happen. Well, that's that.
I'm originally from Brazil. I've been living in the US for 21 years. Not being native isn't an excuse. See, you're a born US citizen...let me say, there are other countries that use derogatory language against blacks or those of African descent. People get the whole "a" vs "er". Just because it's in songs and movies (the FCC still censor it for public consumption) doesn't mean it's okay. There has even been debate about people not saying any form anymore in the media. So, no not being from the US is not an excuse. My home country is even more racist than the US.
Dude I'm not born in the us idk why you'd think that. I'm a native speaker because I'm true trilingual and the only reason I got involved is because though you have extremely valid points, the reclaim the word side has extremely valid points too. It has nothing to do with the FCC and of course people from different places will feel differently about it. I think you guys were going after her and gaslighting her in a way when the world she sees does exist and is every bit as progressive as you claim to be.
Also someone who got involved just said "tbh im black af" and that's just ... unbelievable??? Lol???? Who says that.
Anyway, I think it's mature to look into another person's side and realize there is a history, culture, and politic to it.
This is a long thread. I just want to pop in and say as a black person who had lived all throughout the South and has family of all economic classed, whether or not black people can use the n-word is controversial and simply opinion. Like most things involving reclaimed language, there's no right or wrong. Just pros and com's and history. I don't use it myself, but I have a background in studying language and I think the way the OP has been attacked and called ignorant and such is unfair. There are plenty of black people who use the n-word with a diminutive -a and it's no biggie for them. Consider it a cultural difference (yes, black people in the same country can have different cultures) and move on. Some people curse, some don't. Some religious people swear to god, some don't. Some black people say the n-word, some don't. It's really not worth all this drama and debate in the comments section of a BL comic.
I'm not gaslighting anything. Please, don't give me that bullshit about the way the world's still wrong and I call her out on it. I'm sick of it. I'm tired of people giving this word a pass. It's not cool. Yes, the FCC and other organizations are trying to get the media to stop using this word in any form. It does have something to do with it. Stop making excuses for her and how she views the world. You know if someone called her that word outside the black race, she would get upset. I call anyone out who uses it. Point blank period...I don't care if she lives in Paris, Chicago, L.A, or Japan. I correct anyone who uses it. Sorry if it seems like I'm ranting, it's just nerve-wracking to think it's fine.
Shut up...she shouldn't say it. At all...
Its worth it to people who it offends....don't tell people they shouldn't debate on this. She shouldn't have typed it. Do you see other racial slurs being used here? No, because people aren't brave enough to say it here or know it's offensive. The fact that she's black makes it worse. She may be fine with saying it amost her family and friends but she decides to be funny and say that disgusting crap here. Don't enable her or this use of the word here. People will that it's okay.
Clearly you didn't comprend what I typed. Racial slurs should be censored...certain things should be censored. There are other races on the FCC too. That's one thing I think should be censored. Not gonna change my mind on that....nope, nada, not at all.
P.s. I remember you. I got into it with you before over MHA and the eldest Todoroki son being the missing one. Yeah, turns out I was right about that huh? Did you read chapter 192
Yeah you were right about that todoroki thing lol, i wonder if its really him still tho. But also i think its fine if we disagree on it and i get you're upset and that's valid. But it might be nice if you don't attack other people so hard. Sometimes your tone comes out wonky and i dont wanna be mad at you but it sounds like youre trying to start a fight. Anyway I'm taking a break from bnha so no spoilers plz
Not 12 but if it provides you with some form of satisfaction by assuming my age and believing that age determines how knowledgeable you are, more power to you. I could care less about whatever you had to say rn to a certain extent, nor would I care in real life. Also, stop making up shi for my life. Everyone is all talk and no action, there are many hypocrites. So with that being said, please leave me alone and enjoy reading :)
Exactly like damn. Black people can't respect each other for nothing sometimes. I'm blk and don't use the word nor do I wish for others to use it, even black people. But I understand those who continue to use it and their idea of reclaiming the slur, not that I agree. Honestly tho, going around belittling your own people because they don't have the same opinions as you is messed up asf. That's why I sided with op.