Miki's experience ( All 0 )

Miki's answer ( All 6 )

I wouldn't really consider myself a Fujoshi, but I think I've been around enough time to be able to talk about it. 1) Something they say because they wish they were in that particular story. Most of them don't really mean it and the ones that do are usually young and don't understand that gay relatioships don't work like that IRL. 2) I don't unde......   2 reply
14 12,2018
unpopular opinion: I hate Hinata more than anything in Naruto and I love Sakura :'v   3 reply
24 12,2017
about penpals
08 12,2017
Hi,I've never done this but sounds insteresting so, I'll try adding you. My ID is Shianax3 btw   reply
08 12,2017
about penpals
I'd love to join! ^^/   1 reply
07 12,2017
Hi everyone, My name is Kiki ^^/, im female and I live in Spain. I don't really have a favourite genre, I like nearly everything. Just a regular idiot struggling with life and a bit of a hikkikomori.   2 reply
23 09,2017

Miki's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did listen to a song on repeat

NEW DROP "got two girls in the cut and idk what to do"~

12 hours
did watch hentai

The rite of passage for all anime enjoyers. If you havent watched a single hentai, dont call yourself an anime fan.

13 hours
want to do be adorable

I'd like to think I'm adorable irl. But I'm old now so. I still feel adorable on the inside but my physical appearance let's me down.

13 hours