I really liked the emperor at first, cause
he was really outgoing and stuff and was really affectionate, but now I hate him for doing that to her father even though he KNOWS that he was innocent. He didn't even put any effort or time to see if her father was innocent, and just went with that other dudes words and "evidence" and put him in prison....like...really???
(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
He better love her real good in the upcoming chapters cause if he doesn't fix this, he will really regret it. ( ̄へ ̄)

I just don't understand why they did that
( don't continue reading unless you are caught up with the new ch.)
Why did the creators kill her master and make everyone betray her? The whole story flipped and its just too much. First they make us love her master so much and then they just make him disappear, and we're suppose to just keep reading? And then the people that seemed to be close to her plotted against her?!?! I really hope that the new chapters will give me some kind of happiness cause I really pissed and sad right now T^T
This makes me hate the whole world
I was enjoying the plot until now and now I don't know what to do anymore

lol so where are we going on our school trip,.. OOO we're going where? what, friend the bus dude said we're going to get help, bus dude may i ask help for what?... he said we're going to a english camp.. hmmm sounds fun. oh looked we arrived.. ummm bus driver why are we at a military base... oh so this is just a part of a english essay ok... ummm bus driver why are you driving off without us on board...ummm why are we in military uniform.. why are we on a plane geared up....whyyyy are we in a war zone.... OHHHH the lieutenant said it's part of our mission..wait our mission for what...do you think this is part of the essay i mean they said we needed real life experience... hmmm friend why are we running towards the center of the battlefield....hmmm friend why are they shooting at us....hmm friend why am i slowly dying.. friend it was nioce knowing ya...
my parents were legit planning to send me to the military because i'm failing in english but bitch they said that 3 years ago XDDD and i'm still failing HAHAHAHAHA ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
Thank you for the translation! Even though I didn't get what they were talking about most of the time, I appriciate the effort lolol XDD