The side characters are really good. The art is nice the plot isnt that bad, its a bit of slice of life which i like. The mc is cute but im just waiting for her to actually be serious. She's been trained at combat at some point or has fought before right? Why does she need others help when dodging?
Might be because she's been too lazy? Oh well. I really like her cattiness. I don't mind spoiled characters. Hopefully we can see her go all out at some point. Wating for updates!

HOW IS THIS NOT GAY (btw It says she bcs it's google translate but it's supposed to be he)
 When I slipped my fingers from her hair to the nape of her neck, she let out a small voice and watched as she shrugged her shoulders, then I inserted my hand between the bed and Lisel, passing along the nape of her neck and caressing her shoulder with the palm of my hand.
Yeah no, why is it that rape is easily glossed over? He didn't even get that depressed when the idol he looks up to just blatantly forced him. Sigh. I want an mc who fights back and actually succeeds but theyre very rare